What is the call to action in an argumentative essay?

What is the call to action in an argumentative essay?

What Is a Call to Action (CTA)? A call to action is an invitation for a user to take some desired action. You often see call to action examples in persuasive writing. Once a brand has made its case in a blog post or video, for instance, they’ll often include a call to action at the end.

Which of the following is an example of call to action on a website?

“Shop,” “Sign up,” “Discover,” “Try,” “Watch,”and “Start” are all examples. They directly telling customers what they should do next, which is what you want. You want to be really specific with the action words you choose and the instructions that follow them.

What is another name for plea?

Frequently Asked Questions About plea Some common synonyms of plea are alibi, apologia, apology, excuse, and pretext. While all these words mean “matter offered in explanation or defense,” plea stresses argument or appeal for understanding or sympathy or mercy.

What is a stronger word for request?

Synonyms for request. ask (for), order, put in (for), requisition.

What does request mean?

the act of asking for something to be given or done, especially as a favor or courtesy; solicitation or petition: At his request, they left. an instance of this: There have been many requests for the product. a written statement of petition: If you need supplies, send in a request.

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