What is the Reflectivist theory?

What is the Reflectivist theory?

Reflectivism is a broad umbrella label, used primarily in International Relations theory, for a range of theoretical approaches which oppose rational-choice accounts of social phenomena and, perhaps, positivism more generally. One was “rationalism”, the other what Keohane referred to as “reflectivism”.

What is the difference between the rationalists vs the Reflectivist approach?

Rationalist theories are structural based systems level theories that have a commitment to positivist epistemology. In contrast, reflectivist theories de-emphasise structure in favour of social variables such as language, identity and culture and share a post-positivist epistemology.

What is reflexivity in international relations?

While there is no single understanding of what reflexivity (sometimes referred to as reflectivity or self-reflexivity) means or entails, a broad consensus identifies reflexivity as the capacity to reflect on one’s own epistemic situation and process, and how these affect the nature and meaning of the knowledge one …

What is positivism in IR?

Positivism holds the idea that the empiricist observation of the natural sciences can be applied to the social sciences. The post-positivist approach can be described as incredulity towards metanarratives—in IR, this would involve rejecting all-encompassing stories that claim to explain the international system.

What caused the fourth great debate in IR?

The “Fourth Great Debate” was a debate between positivist theories and post-positivist theories of international relations. This debate is concerned with the underlying epistemology of international relations scholarship and is also described as a debate between “rationalists” and “reflectivists”.

What are the four great debates in IR?

These disputes throughout IR’s short history have come to be known as ‘The Great Debates’, and though disputed it is generally felt there have been four, namely ‘Realism/Liberalism’, ‘Traditionalism/Behaviouralism’, ‘Neorealism/Neoliberalism’ and the most recent ‘Rationalism/Reflectivism’.

What is being reflexive?

Reflexivity generally refers to the examination of one’s own beliefs, judgments and practices during the research process and how these may have influenced the research. Reflexivity involves questioning one’s own taken for granted assumptions. …

What is epistemological positivism?

Also referred to as “positivism,” refers to the school of research thought that sees observable evidence as the only form of defensible scientific findings. Positivist epistemology, therefore, assumes that only “facts” derived from the scientific method can make legitimate knowledge claims.

What is refreflectivism in international relations?

Reflectivism is a broad umbrella label, used primarily in International Relations theory, for a range of theoretical approaches which oppose rational-choice accounts of social phenomena and, perhaps, positivism more generally. The label was popularised by Robert Keohane in his presidential address to the International Studies Association in 1988.

What are the different types of reflectivist approaches?

Reflectivist approaches include constructivism, feminism, post-structuralism, post-colonialism and Critical Theory.

What is reflexivity in sociology?

Reflexivity refers to the ways in which elements and phenomena in social life have the capacity to “fold in on”, or be “directed towards”, themselves. That is, they can produce effects on, or have implications for, their own features, dynamics and existence.

How does constructivism differ from rationalism?

Constructivism differs from rationalist theories in that it concentrates on subjective social variables such as identity. As the backlash against rationalism increased, neorealism and rationalist ideas began to be challenged from numerous standpoints. Taken together these dissenting views began to be named within academic circles as ‘reflectivism’.

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