What is Kpelle moot?

What is Kpelle moot?

The Kpelle berei mu meni saa, or ‘house palaver,’ is an informal airing of a dispute which takes place before an assembled group which includes kinsmen of the litigants and neighbors from the quarter where the case is being heard. It is a completely ad hoc group, varying greatly in composition from case to case.

What is the political organization among the Kpelle?

Kpelle political organization is centralized, although there is no single king or paramount chief, but a series of autonomous paramount chiefs of the same level of authority, each of whom is superordinate over district chiefs and town chiefs.

Why does the author consider the moot therapeutic?

-Moots being private are less susceptible to the surveillance of the anthropologists than courtroom hearings, thus there are fewer transcripts of moots than court hearings. It emphasizes the mending of social relations between the disputing parties; the process of the hearing is therapeutic.

What is the origin of the Kpelle?

History. The Kpelle or Guerze lived in North Sudan during the sixteenth-century, before fleeing to other parts of Northwest Africa into what is now Mali. Their flight was due to internal conflicts between the tribes from the crumbling Sudanic empire. A handful are still of Kpelle origin in North Sudan.

What is unique about the Kpelle chiefdoms?

the leader of a chiefdom is a formal authority figure. the leader of a tribe is hereditary. What is unique about the Kpelle chiefdoms? the paramount chiefs tax their citizens to generate revenue. the paramount chiefs do not represent the people.

How many people in Liberia speak Kpelle?

In Liberia, there are almost 800,000 speakers who use Kpelle as their first language, about a third of the population. There are approximately 300,000 speakers of Kpelle in Guinea.

What do tribal members have in common name five 5 commonalities?

What do tribal members have in common? Name five (5) commonalities. A tribe is a kin-ordered group that unites based on the five commonalities, which are sharing a common relative, identity, culture, language, and territory. They share a common ancestry, identity, culture, language, and territory.

How many ethnicities are in Liberia?

sixteen ethnic groups
In Liberia there are at least sixteen ethnic groups, each belonging to one of three major language groupings.

Where do Kpelle people come from?

Kpelle, also called Guerze, people occupying much of central Liberia and extending into Guinea, where they are sometimes called the Guerze; they speak a language of the Mande branch of the Niger-Congo family.

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