How much is night train from Bangkok to Chiang Mai?

How much is night train from Bangkok to Chiang Mai?

The best overnight train is Train #9 departing at 18:10, which is scheduled to arrive 13 hours 05 minutes later at 07:15….Ticket Prices from Bangkok to Chiang Mai.

Seat Type Online Price Station Price
2nd Class A/C Seat 891 THB 641 THB
2nd Class Sleeper Fan 831 THB 581 TH

How long is the overnight train from Bangkok to Chiang Mai?

between 11 to 14.33 hours
The train from Bangkok to Chiang Mai departs 5 times a day from Hualamphong station taking between 11 to 14.33 hours to travel the 751 km distance, with tickets costing from 231 Baht for a 3rd Class seat to 1,653 for a 1st Class sleeping berth on a Special Express service.

How long is the train journey from Chiang Mai to Bangkok?

around 12 hours
The Chiang Mai to Bangkok train journey takes around 12 hours, if you take the express / super rapid option.

Is there a train from Chiang Mai to Bangkok?

Thai Railway provides 5 train trips daily from Chiang Mai to Bangkok. The train departure schedule begins as early from 6.30AM and the last departure is at 6PM. People usually take an overnight train from Chiangmai to Bangkok so they could sleep through what could be 14 hours journey.

How much does it cost to go from Bangkok to Chiang Mai?

How to Travel from Bangkok to Chiang Mai by Train, Bus, and Plane

Time Cost
Train 13 hours from $25
Bus 10 hours from $16
Plane 1 hour, 15 minutes from $15

Is Chiang Mai cooler than Bangkok?

The region has three distinct seasons: the cool season, the hot season and the rainy season. Chiang Mai is cooler than Bangkok, due to its geographical location.

Do overnight trains have showers?

Long distance trains (overnight at least one night) have showers for sleeping car passengers. No showers are available for coach passengers. Sleeping car passengers in bedrooms have a shower in their room.

How do I get from Bangkok to Chiang Mai by train?

2. From Bangkok to Chiang Mai by Train. The train ride from Bangkok’s Hua Lamphong Station to Chiang Mai station can take anywhere from 12 to 15 hours, so choosing a comfortable seat is a must. Don’t let the distance feel daunting – this is one of Thailand’s most picturesque train rides.

How many days in Bangkok is enough?

3 days
You could spend a lot more time exploring the city, but 3 days in Bangkok is a good length of time for your first visit. Bangkok is a huge hub for Southeast Asia and is also an excellent place to kick off a trip. It’s a big bustling city and it’s best to see it as a first stop if your travels allow.

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