What is Pope Benedicts real name?

What is Pope Benedicts real name?

Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger
Pope Benedict XVI/Full name

What disease does Pope Benedict have?

Benedict, 93, is suffering from erysipelas of the face, a virus that causes a facial rash and episodes of severe pain, the newspaper reported, citing the former pope’s biographer Peter Seewald. “According to Seewald, the Pope emeritus is now extremely frail,” the report says.

When was Pope Benedict born and died?

Pope Benedict IX
Birth name Theophylactus of Tusculum
Born c. 1012 Rome, Papal States
Died c. December 1055/January 1056 (age 43) Grottaferrata, Papal States
Other popes named Benedict

What is pope Benedict XVI favorite hobby?

He plays the piano and especially likes Beethoven and Mozart. He has a pilot’s license and sometimes flies the papal helicopter to the summer residence. He never learned to drive a car. He loves cats and has two of them.

Was pope Benedict a Benedictine?

St. Benedict of Nursia was the founder of the Benedictine monasteries (most monasteries of the Middle Ages were of the Benedictine order) and the author of the Rule of Saint Benedict, which is still the most influential writing regarding the monastic life of Western Christianity.

Why did Pope Benedict step down?

Benedict cited his advanced age and deteriorating strength as reasons for his resignation. He explained that his condition had forced him to “recognize my incapacity to adequately fulfill the ministry entrusted to me”. He was succeeded by Pope Francis who is the current Pontiff.

What is pope Benedict known for?

Benedict XVI served as pope of the Roman Catholic Church from 2005 to 2013. He is best known for his rigid views on Catholicism and topics such as birth control and homosexuality.

Why did pope Benedict step down?

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