What is Chapter 4 of night about?

What is Chapter 4 of night about?

Eliezer reflects on how inhumane the concentration camps made him; as his father is being beaten, rather than being mad at Idek, Eliezer is mad at his father for not avoiding the Kapo. Franek, the foreman, decides he wants Eliezer’s gold crown. Eliezer won’t give it to him.

What is IDEK’s problem?

The problem was with Idek, the Kapo, who was subject to bouts of madness, which caused him to act irrationally and beat the prisoners. Elie was called to the dentist to extract his gold crown. He told the dentist he was ill and had a temperature. The dentist told Elie to return in a week.

How does the foreman get revenge on Elie and his father?

He wanted Elie’s gold tooth, but Elie denied him. How did the foreman get revenge on Elie and his father for not giving up his gold tooth? He tormented Elie’s father for marching out of step.

What is the purpose of Chapter 4?

What is the purpose of Chapter 4 or the Findings or Results Chapter? This chapter should provide the product of your analytic process. Think of it as a “stand alone” chapter that you could hand to a friend and just by reading it, they would know exactly what you discovered through your study.

What is the tone of Chapter 4 in night?

The tone of the chapter 4 is solemn.

Who bombed the Buna camp?

Who bombs the camp at Buna? The Americans bomb the camp at Buna with planes, lasting for over an hour. Why is the pipel hanged? The pipel was hanged because they had found him to be possessing weapons that he was not aloud to have and they had condemned him to die.

Who is Buna in night?

The Buna Werke, also known as Auschwitz III, was a factory. Here, Nazi leaders sent Jews for work. For Elie and his father, working in Buna became the only opportunity to avoid the execution.

Why does the dentist see Elie?

Why was Elie called to the dentist? He had a gold tooth. He was imprisoned for dealing in gold teeth.

What are the parts of Chapter 4?

Chapter 4 is comprised of the following content: The results or findings on the data collected and analysed. Results of descriptive analyses ❑ Results of inferential analyses (Quantitative). Findings of text analyses (Qualitative).

What is Chapter 4 thesis?

Chapter four of the Thesis is given different titles “Analysis of Data”; “Results of Study”; “Analysis and Results” and others. The two key words is ‘analysis’ and ‘results’ where the researcher analyses the data collected and presents the results in Chapter 4.

Where is Elie in Chapter 4?

Eliezer remains in a camp located in Buna with his father on the musicians’ block run by a sweet Jewish man. The two work in a warehouse under the power of Idek, an irrational and unpredictable foreman, where Elie is responsible for counting electrical parts.

Why is Pipel hanged?

why is the pipel hanged? The pipel was hung because he “has been found to possess arms,” and it was different from most hangings because “to hang a child in front of thousands of onlookers was not a small matter.”

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