Why does Orwell object to ready made phrases and mixed metaphors para 12 )?

Why does Orwell object to ready made phrases and mixed metaphors para 12 )?

Why does Orwell object to “ready-made phrases” and “mixed metaphors” (para. 12)? Orwell objects to “ready-made phrases” and “mixed metaphors” because they tend to stray the flow of the reading and also get it lost. It can also make it seem repetitive and obsolete.

What are ready made phrases?

Ready-made phrases are dull, wordy, and often meaningless. Usually you can replace these weary phrases with one word or discard them.

What is George Orwell’s purpose in writing quizlet?

George Orwell’s purpose is to persuade readers to use simple language in political writing.

Which plot events are key parts of Chapter 7 check all that apply Animal Farm?

The plot events that are key parts of chapter 7 are: * Squealer announces that the animals will no longer sing “Beasts of England.” * The animals are told that Snowball visits at night and sabotages their efforts.

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