How do I get the dark Theme in IntelliJ?

How do I get the dark Theme in IntelliJ?

Go to Settings | Plugins, find the theme plugin and install it. Restart the IDE. Go to Settings | Appearance & Behavior | Appearance and select Super Dark in the Theme dropdown.

What is the best Theme for IntelliJ?

Intellij Themes – 10 Best Intellij IDE Themes

  • Monokai.
  • Tomorrow Night Theme.
  • Zenburn.
  • Dracula.
  • Gruvbox.
  • Material Theme.
  • Lucario. Lucario is by far the best minimalist theme for code editors out there.
  • One-Light-Syntax. If you were to ask most programmers what they think of light themes you would probably get the same answer.

How do I change my dark Theme to light in IntelliJ?

To change it, open the Settings / Preferences dialog and select Appearance & Behavior | Appearance. There, you can use the Theme selector to choose a UI theme. The built-in themes include Darcula, IntelliJ Light, Windows or macOS Light, and the special High Contrast theme for visually impaired users.

How do I change my Theme color in IntelliJ?

Select a color scheme

  1. Press Ctrl+Alt+S to open the IDE settings and select Editor | Color Scheme.
  2. Use the Scheme list to select a color scheme.

How do I get tomorrow theme in IntelliJ?


  1. Download the Tomorrow Evening color scheme from GitHub (click the Raw button).
  2. Go to File → Settings → Editor → Color Scheme and select Import Scheme :

How can I make IntelliJ look amazing?

Starts here8:23How to Make IntelliJ IDEA look Amazing (2019) – YouTubeYouTube

How do I change my background from black to white in IntelliJ?

Background image

  1. Open the Settings/Preferences dialog Ctrl+Alt+S , select Appearance & Behavior | Appearance, and click the Background Image button.
  2. In the Background Image dialog, specify the image you want to use as the background, its opacity, filling and placement options.
  3. Click OK to apply the changes.

How do I export my IntelliJ color scheme?

If you just want a way to only export the color scheme: Go to File | Settings on Windows or IntelliJ IDEA | Preferences on Mac. Then, go to Editor → Color Scheme , click the icon that looks like a cog/gear, and click Export.

What are the best dark themes for IntelliJ?

One of the most popular dark themes for IntelliJ is Monokai. It draws heavily from the original Monokai theme designed in 2006 by Wimer Hazenberg for the Sublime Text editor and by now adopted by most text editors.

How do I change the default theme in IntelliJ IDEA?

Select Sync with OS to let IntelliJ IDEA detect the current system settings and use the default dark or light theme accordingly. You can install a custom theme from the JetBrains Plugin Repository as described in Managing plugins.

What is IntelliJ IDEA?

It comes under the category of IntelliJ IDEA which is one of the most useful tools for software development. It is developed by JetBrains for the first time in January 2001. IntelliJ is a Java integrated development environment (IDE).

What is the best IntelliJ theme for 2021?

10 best Intellij themes ideas for 2021 [Real Eye Saver] 1 1. Tomorrow Theme. Tomorrow theme IntelliJ is the most used and common dark mode theme. It is comfortable for the eyes. 2 2. Solarized. 3 3. Zenburn. 4 4. Monokai. 5 5. Gruvbox.

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