What is pre/post fader Cubase?
You can send the signal from the audio channel to the FX channel before or after the audio channel volume fader. Pre-fader sends. The audio channel signal is sent to the FX channel before the audio channel volume fader.
What is the difference between pre fader and post fade?
A pre fader send simply routes a copy of your track before the channel fader, whereas a post fader send will do this after your channel fader.
What are pre fader sends used for?
A pre-fader Aux Send taps the incoming signal from the channel at a point that is before the channel fader. So, when the channel fader is down, the signal is still being sent to the aux bus.
What are post fader sends used for?
Post-fader aux sends are generally used for connecting external effects or dynamics processors–the signal is sent to the processor from an aux send and reenters the mixer through an aux return. Each channel has its own aux send control, so you can adjust the amount of processing.
Why are post fader sends used more frequently than pre-fader sends?
As a result, post-fader effect sends are used more often than pre-fader effect sends, although the latter configuration definitely has its uses. The result sounds as though the vocalist is walking away from you: the dry sound gets quieter, leaving just the reverberations of the room.
What sends typically Should I send pre fader?
There is also another distinction known as pre or post EQ, which at this point should be fairly self explanatory. Any pre fader send could still be pre or post EQ. In a live situation, pre fader and pre EQ sends are usually best where the mixer may be feeding stage monitors.
Why are post-fader sends used more frequently than pre fader sends?
Are aux sends pre fader?
There are generally two ways to use an Aux Send: Pre-fader or Post-fader. When using in Pre-fader mode, a channel’s aux level will only be affected by the Aux Send knob, but not the channel’s fader. In Post-fader mode, any adjustments made on that channel fader will affect the signal going to your Aux Send.
What language is Fader?
Translate “fader” from Swedish to English.