What is concrete strip footing?

What is concrete strip footing?

Strip foundations (or strip footings) are a type of shallow foundation that are used to provide a continuous and level (or sometimes stepped) strip of support to a linear structure, such as a wall or closely-spaced rows of columns built centrally above them.

How deep should a strip footing be?

The thickness of the footings should be not less than 200mm and is usually mass concrete only, ie. no reinforcement. The depth below ground level to the base of the footing should be not less than 300mm or to rock, whichever occurs first, which allows for a minimum of 100mm of ground cover to the pad.

What is the minimum thickness of concrete for a strip foundation?

The minimum depth of the strip foundation trench must be at least 400mm below the original ground level. The average minimum thickness of the foundation must be at least 200mm. The strength of the concrete used for unreinforced strip footing must be at least 15MPa or better.

What does a strip footing look like?

Strip footings, otherwise known as strip foundations, are a shallow foundation type, usually boasting a founding level that is no greater than 3m from the ground surface. The footing width strip is often three times that of the supporting wall width, providing a 45 degree angle between wall base and the soil.

What are strip footings made of?

A Strip Footing is a relatively small strip of concrete placed into a trench and reinforced with steel. The footing supports the load of the exterior walls and any interior wall that is load bearing or supports a slab such as for a bathroom.

Where is strip footing used?

Strip footings are commonly used as foundations of load-bearing walls. The footing usually has twice the width as the load bearing wall, sometimes it is even wider. The width as well as the type of reinforcement are depending on the bearing capacity of the foundation soil.

What are 2 elements required in a footing plan?

Footing plans provide details on footing depths and widths, slabs and stiffening beams and the type and positioning of steel reinforcement.

How is a strip foundation constructed step by step?

Step by step procedure – Strip Footing

  1. Identify the positions of the load-bearing walls.
  2. Excavate the site at these positions and form a trench.
  3. Pour in lean concrete.
  4. Erect the formwork and install the bottom main bars.
  5. Installation of column starter bars follow.
  6. Binders are used to tie the column starter bars.

How is strip foundation constructed?

Strip foundations consist of a continuous strip of concrete formed centrally under loadbearing walls. The continuous strip acts as support for which walls are built and is to a width to spread the load evenly of the building on the ground underneath it, supporting it.

What is the difference between strip and pad foundation?

Pad foundation refers to the foundation which is intended for sustaining concentrated loads from a single point load such as structural columns. Strip foundation is used to support a line of loads such as load-bearing walls.

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