What should you look for in the global revision stage?

What should you look for in the global revision stage?

Global revision focuses on organization, development of ideas, tone and register. Local revision focuses on editing for word choice, sentence fluency, grammar, spelling and punctuation.

What is a global revision?

Basically, global revision involves the big picture of your essay; it relates to ideas, purpose, audience, evidence, analysis, and organization. Local revision focuses more on sentence-level revision: changing words so that a sentence is clearer, correcting grammatical or spelling errors, etc.

What is an example of a local revision?

Examples of local revisions (to existing content) include: Adding an quotation (with an in-text citation) to an argument (in a particular instance of writing). Improving the transitions between the paragraphs (of a particular instance of writing)

What is the meaning of ravaged?

verb (used with object), rav·aged, rav·ag·ing. to work havoc upon; damage or mar by ravages: a face ravaged by grief.

Why do we need paper revision?

But more important than grades is that revising your papers teaches you to be a better writer. In the revision process, you improve your reading skills and your analytical skills. You learn to challenge your own ideas, thus deepening and strengthening your argument. You learn to find the weaknesses in your writing.

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