What is the use of justify?

What is the use of justify?

Justifying text in Word adjusts the spaces between words so that the text is aligned relative to a column. Right- and left-justified text forms a straight vertical line at the right- and left-hand margins, respectively. The unjustified side of the text is called “ragged” because of its uneven appearance.

How do you justify an answer?

Justify. With ‘justify’ question words, you need to explain the basis of your argument by presenting the evidence that informed your outlook. In such answers, you need to present your evidence in a convincing way, demonstrating good reasons for adopting your position.

What is the meaning of justify?

to show (an act, claim, statement, etc.) to be just or right: The end does not always justify the means. to defend or uphold as warranted or well-grounded: Don’t try to justify his rudeness. Theology. to declare innocent or guiltless; absolve; acquit.

What does it mean to justify the steps of a solution?

To justify a solution, students will need to be able to use appropriate mathematical language to give reasons for the particular approach used to solve a problem. Any time that a student produces a ‘solution’ in an attempt to solve a problem, that ‘solution’ needs to be justified.

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