What is the opposite of compare and contrast?

What is the opposite of compare and contrast?

To contrast something is to look for differences among two or more elements, but compare is to do the opposite, to look for similarities.

What is the difference between contrast and comparison?

These two words are very commonly used. Compare means to see the similarity and contrast means to see the difference. According to various dictionaries, compare means ‘to represent things or objects in respect of similarity’ and contrast means ‘to represent things in respect of differences. ‘

What does contrast mean in reading?

However, when discussing a reading selection, comparing and contrasting take on a more specific meaning. To compare means to identify the similarities and differences between two things, and to contrast means to identify only the differences between two things.

How do you teach reading compare and contrast?

Graphic Organizers for Comparing and ContrastingStep 1: Analyze the Question. Step 2: Identify Similarities and Differences in the Content. Step 3: Identify Similarities and Differences in the Structure. Step 4: Identify Similarities and Differences in Media.

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