What is the meaning of tonight 8 7c?

What is the meaning of tonight 8 7c?

8/7c = eight-seven-central. It’s a convenient abbreviation of 8 p.m. Eastern Time; 7 p.m. Central Time. This form is popular in broadcasting circles, where television networks serve viewers in both the Eastern and Central time zones in the United States.

What means 7c?

7c means 7 Central Time Zone(Illinois, Arkansas, Kansas, Texas, etc.) This means that if a show will be starting at 8 PM in the Eastern Time Zone, then that same show will be starting at 7 PM in the Central Time Zone.

What does 8/7c mean for Pacific time?

If a show is set to air at 8/7c, that means it should play at 5 p.m. Pacific time because 8 p.m. Eastern is 7 p.m. Central. But local programming says the show will air at 8 p.m. Pacific time.

What is 8 7 Central in Mountain time?

Getting Started

Central Standard Time (CST) to Mountain Standard Time (MST)
8 am CST is 7 am MST
9 am CST is 8 am MST
10 am CST is 9 am MST
11 am CST is 10 am MST

What time is 7 6c?

One thought if you live in Colorado (or any Mountain Time Zone state): it’s on at 7pm your time and 6pm Central Time (the neighboring time zone to the east).

What time is 8/7C in England?

8eastern, 7 central, so 1am GMT.

What time is 8/7c in Philippines?

Getting Started

Central Standard Time (CST) to Manila, Philippines ( in Manila)
5 am CST is 7 pm in Manila
6 am CST is 8 pm in Manila
7 am CST is 9 pm in Manila
8 am CST is 10 pm in Manila

What is the meaning of 8/7c?

3 Answers. 8/7c = eight-seven-central. It’s a convenient abbreviation of 8 p.m. Eastern Time; 7 p.m. Central Time. This form is popular in broadcasting circles, where television networks serve viewers in both the Eastern and Central time zones in the United States.

What is the difference between 8/7c and 8 pm?

“8/7c” means 8 (US) Eastern Time or 7 Central Time in USA. So the difference is 10 1/2 hours. 8 PM + 10 1/2 hours = 6:30 in the morning the next day in India.

What does 7C mean in the time zone?

7c means 7 Central Time Zone(Illinois, Arkansas, Kansas, Texas, etc.) This means that if a show will be starting at 8 PM in the Eastern Time Zone, then that same show will be starting at 7 PM in the Central Time Zone. However, because Eastern Time Zone is one hour ahead of the Central Time Zone, it would be seen at the exact same moment in time.

What does 8/7/6/5 mean?

When they say 8/7c they mean 8 pm Eastern and Pacific Time, 7 pm Central Time (and Mountain Time is too minuscule to bother mentioning). The exception would be a LIVE event, and then it is at 8/7/6/5; but still they probably won’t mention the 6 for Mountain Time.

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