What area is 01632 telephone code?

What area is 01632 telephone code?


Geographic area Geographic area code Telephone number range (1000 numbers in each range)
Tyneside/Durham/Sunderland 0191 498 0000 to 498 0999
Northern Ireland 028 9649 6000 to 9649 6999
Cardiff 029 2018 0000 to 2018 0999
No area 01632 960000 to 960999

What area is 01636 telephone code?

The area code 01636 is for Newark-on-Trent and the surrounding area.

What are UK area codes?

Three-digit area codes

0121 Birmingham formerly 021 (2 = B)
0131 Edinburgh formerly 031 (3 = E)
0141 Glasgow formerly 041 (4 = G)
0151 Liverpool formerly 051 (5 = L)
0161 Manchester formerly 061 (6 = M)

What area is phone code 01622?

Maidstone. The 01622 area code is for Maidstone and the surrounding area.

Who called 01632?

Amazon Prime Phone Scam ⚠️ The prevailing review of 01632 indicates that it could be fake call pretending to be from Amazon and saying that your Amazon Prime subscription has expired. Calls from 01632 will sound convincing particularly if you have Amazon Prime!

Where is STD Code?

International Dialling The country code for the UK is 44. It is also not necessary to dial the leading zero when calling into the UK from outside the country, so this is shown in a bracket. For example, +44 (0) 1423 396979 for Harrogate 01423 396979.

Where is phone number 01634?

01634 Area Code The location for 01634 is Medway, UK. The 01634 area code will allow you to make calls to Medway from wherever in the world you are.

Who called 01622822048?

25 User reports

25/11/2021 Keeps phoning my mobile never leaves a message. Nuisance.
10/04/2020 if you stay on the line long enough its an insurance company call back form someone you might have used a search engine quote for so much for GDPR lol

Can you still call the time Lady?

Even in the smartphone age, you can still dial up the time in hours, minutes, seconds. The U.S. Naval Observatory’s time-by-phone line received more than three million calls in 2015. Quick, try this: Dial 202-762-1401. Trust us, it’s not a scam, but you may be surprised by what you hear.

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