How would you describe a good painting?

How would you describe a good painting?

ColorNatural, clear, compatible, distinctive, lively, stimulating, subtle, sympathetic.Artificial, clashing, depressing, discordant, garish, gaudy, jarring, unfriendly, violent.Bright, brilliant, deep, earthy, harmonious, intense, rich, saturated, strong, vibrant, vivid.

What do you say to a beautiful painting?

try these compliments:I’ve never seen anything like it.Your work reminds me a little bit of _________________ (name a famous artist – but NOT Thomas Kincaid.)You are really hitting your stride.My friend/co-worker should really see this.I recognized it as your work immediately.

What are complimentary words?

Complimentary words are those that we use in a conversation to make the person we are talking to feel good about themselves. They are generally words to describe an aspect of somebody’s personality/life or to describe something that belongs to the person receiving the compliment.

Is being called nice a compliment?

Not “nice.” It’s not an insult, but it’s not great, either. Generally “nice” is an adjective people use to describe someone who is inoffensive, but not otherwise noteworthy. Think about it: there are so many better ways to describe someone you like.

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