How does Waverly become a better chess player?

How does Waverly become a better chess player?

By the end of the summer, Lau Po had taught me all he knew, and I had become a better chess player. Second, Waverly learned the art of invisible strength from her mother as a little girl, and more importantly she applied this knowledge to chess to her advantage. Because of this, she became very clever.

What rules of life does Waverly learn in the story?

Expert Answers Hover for more information. In this story, Waverly’s mother teaches her the art of invisible strength. What that means is that sometimes you can accomplish more by quietly working toward a goal. Waverly learns to do this with chess. She learns not to brag or frets about her losses.

What is the main idea of rules of the game?

The main theme of “The Rules of the Game” is power. Throughout the story, Waverly struggles to gain power over her controlling mother and exercise her independence. Waverly is also caught up in a power struggle between Asian and American cultural influences, which is implicit in the motherdaughter struggle.

What is the theme of two kinds?

The main themes in “Two Kinds” are parental expectations, the American Dream, and identity. Parental expectations: The disconnect between Jing-mei’s desires and her mother’s expectations leads to conflict and resentment.

What is the conflict in rules of the game?

The central conflict in the story, “Rule of the Game,” is the conflict between mother and daughter. Waverly wants to break free from her mother and wants more independence.

What is the climax of rules of the game?

The climax of this brilliant story that tells of the conflict between a Chinese immigrant to America and her daughter comes at the very end as, in a dream, Waverley faces her mother in a mystical and magical game of chess and loses.

What is the invisible strength in rules of the game?

Invisible strength, as defined in the beginning of the story, is the ability to win arguments and win respect from people.

What is the main conflict between Jing Mei and her mother?

In “Two Kinds,” the central conflict focuses on the issue of Jing-Mei becoming a child prodigy. On one hand, her mother believes in the American Dream, the idea that it is possible for a person to be anything they want to be in the United States. She is determined that Jing-Mei will become a child prodigy of some sort.

What causes the conflict in two kinds?

The main conflict in the story Two Kinds was the struggle between what the daughter wanted and what her mother wanted for her, based on the background and cultural differences between the two. The mother was an Asian immigrant who aspired to live the American dream through her Asian American daughter.

What causes the conflict between the characters in this passage?

The mother demands obedience, no matter the situation. The mother does not believe that her daughter can become a prodigy. The mother believes that her daughter is not trying her best, and the daughter disagrees.

How is this passage an example of internal conflict?

It describes the narrator’s inability to stop playing when she wants to do so. It describes the narrator’s unexpected enjoyment of performing in front of an audience. It describes the narrator’s thoughts and feelings as she struggles through a poor performance.

What type of conflict is revealed in this passage?

This passage is from William Shakespeare’s play Othello. Here the conflict is a case of man versus man. There are various other conflicts, such as the racism in the society, but the key struggles are between Othello and his confidant Iago.

What kind of motivation do the narrator’s thoughts show?

What kind of motivation do the narrator’s thoughts show? Intrinsic motivation: The narrator refuses to change her true nature to please someone else.

What motivators are examples of extrinsic motivation three options?

Select three options. receiving good grades paying discount prices having a fear of spiders falling in love getting a reward.

What is an internal conflict called?

Internal conflict — also called man vs. self — is a battle inside a character.

What kind of motivation do the narrator’s thoughts show extrinsic motivation the narrator wants to become a prodigy to please her mother?

Extrinsic motivation: The narrator wants to become a. prodigy to please her mother. Extrinsic motivation: The narrator wants to adapt her. behavior to please the girl in the mirror.

What cultural value is revealed through mothers words?

-Answer: The cultural value that is revealed through the mother’s words is option A. the Chinese value that children should obey their parents.

Which scenario is an example of intrinsic motivation?

Some examples of intrinsic motivation are: participating in a sport because it’s fun and you enjoy it rather than doing it to win an award. learning a new language because you like experiencing new things, not because your job requires it.

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