How do you use ellipses correctly?

How do you use ellipses correctly?

Ellipses for omitted material within a single quoted sentence. Use ellipsis points to show omission within the quotation. Omit any punctuation on either side of the ellipsis, unless the punctuation is necessary to make the shortened quotation grammatically correct.

What does a dot on each knuckle mean?

Mostly seen in the UK but used elsewhere too, four dots tattooed across the knuckles stand for ACAB (All Cops Are Bastards). Or a dot on each hand in between the thumb and forefinger—one meaning going into prison, and one meaning they have completed their sentence.

What is flirty texting?

Sending flirty texts lets someone know that they’re on your mind. It opens up the conversation and, ideally, helps set up your next date. Still, what should you say in a flirty text? You want to come off as confident but not overbearing; funny but not cheesy.

How do you tell if someone is flirting with you online?

Look for signs of flirting. Signs of online flirting include compliments, light hearted jokes, the use of exclamation points, emoticons, or bitmojis. He might say something like “you look so cute in your profile picture.”

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