How do you transition from an introduction to a body paragraph?

How do you transition from an introduction to a body paragraph?

3 Transition to the Body of the Essay Begin the second paragraph of the essay with a transition sentence that ties into the last sentence of the introduction paragraph. You can even use a “reverse hook” that references the entire thesis, bridging the two paragraphs.

Why you should not use the word but?

The word “BUT” negates the positive statement that comes before it… almost as if you didn’t say that particular thing at all. It takes away its significance. Actually it doesn’t just remove its significance, it almost reverses it.

What does Dr Phil say about the word but?

Phil McGraw, “BUT is a powerful word. It means forget everything I just said, I’m now going to tell you what I really mean.” When you use the word BUT, the words that follow are the words that are remembered. When speaking to others, you could be projecting that they need improvement or are dismissing their opinions.

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