How do you reference a journal in APA format?

How do you reference a journal in APA format?

A basic reference list entry for a journal article in APA must include:Author or authors. Year of publication of the article (in round brackets).Article title.Journal title (in italics).Volume of journal (in italics).Issue number of journal in round brackets (no italics).Page range of article.DOI or URL.

How do you cite an APA paper within another paper?

Your in-text citation should include both authors: the author(s) of the original source and the author(s) of the secondary source. For example: (Habermehl, 1985, as cited in Kersten, 1987). In your reference list you should provide the details of the secondary source (the source you read).

How do you cite another person’s paper?

The simplest way to do this is to parenthetically give the author’s last name and the year of publication, e.g., (Clarke 2001). When citing information from another’s publication, be sure to report the relevant aspects of the work clearly and succinctly, IN YOUR OWN WORDS.

How do you cite a source within a source in APA 7?

What is an indirect citation or secondary source?Include both the original author and year and the author and year of the work where quote/idea was found in the in-text reference.Add “as cited in” before the author in the in-text reference.

What does an indirect source do?

An indirect source is a source cited within another source. For such indirect quotations, use “qtd. in” to indicate the source you actually consulted. For example: Ravitch argues that high schools are pressured to act as “social service centers, and they don’t do that well” (qtd. in Weisman 259).

Which of the following is used to indicate an indirect source?

“qtd. in” is used to indicate an indirect source.

What information does the in text citation provide the reader of a research paper?

The author’s last name and the page number of the quotation -is the information provided to the reader of a research paper by the in-text citation “(Dolan 175)”. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.

When a work has two authors with the same?

When a work has two authors with the same last name but different first names, they are listed in Works Cited: Alphabetically by first name. When a work has two authors with the same last name but different first names, they are listed in Works Cited: Alphabetically by first name.

Which of the following is the correct way to list a span?

Which of the following is the correct way to list a span of pages according to MLA style? 350-75 is the correct way to list a span of pages according to MLA style.

What is the correct way to list the author’s name in a citation?

What is an Author?The author’s name is always the first thing listed in a works cited entry, unless there is no author.Entries on your works cited page should be listed in alphabetical order according to the author’s last name.The first (or only) author’s name is listed as Last Name, First Name.

What is the correct way to list the author?

Works by a single author should list the author’s last name and initials. The date of publication should be enclosed in parentheses and followed by the title of the article or book. Books and journal titles should be listed in italics.

Which of the following words in a book title should be capitalized in a citation?

conjunctions. Nouns in a book’s title should be capitalized in a citation.

Which of the following is the correct way to list the author John P Lewiston?

Lewiston. Lewiston, John P. is the correct way to list the author, John P. Lewiston.

Which of the following is the correct format for an MLA in text citation for an article?

Brief in-text citations point the reader to more complete information in the Works Cited list at the end of the paper.In-text citations include the last name of the author followed by a page number enclosed in parentheses. If the author’s name is not given, then use the first word or words of the title.

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