How democracy is a better form of government?

How democracy is a better form of government?

Democracy better than any other form of government because: A democratic government is a better government because it is a more accountable form of government. Democracy improves the quality of Decision Making. Democracy provides a method to deal with differences and conflicts.

What are the main points of democracy?

According to American political scientist Larry Diamond, democracy consists of four key elements: a political system for choosing and replacing the government through free and fair elections; the active participation of the people, as citizens, in politics and civic life; protection of the human rights of all citizens; …

What is Democracy easy words?

“The word democracy itself means rule by the people. A democracy is a system where people can change their rulers in a peaceful manner and the government is given the right to rule because the people say it may.”[

How do you explain democracy?

Democracy, which derives from the Greek word demos, or people, is defined, basi- cally, as government in which the supreme power is vested in the people. In some forms, democracy can be exercised directly by the people; in large societies, it is by the people through their elected agents.

What are the three merits and demerits of democracy?

Democracy improves the quality of Decision Making. Democracy provides a method to deal with differences and conflicts. Democracy allows people to correct their own mistakes….Demerits of democracy:Democracy is all about political competition and power play. Consultation in a democracy from many people leads to delays.

What is the drawback of democracy?

Political instability. More recently, democracy is criticized for not offering enough political stability. As governments are frequently elected on and off there tend to be frequent changes in the policies of democratic countries both domestically and internationally.

What is democracy State two merits and demerits of democracy?

1) a democratic government is better form of government because it is more accountable form of government. 2) democracy improves the quality of decision making. 3) democracy enhances the dignity of citizens. 4) poor and least educated has the same status as the rich and educated.

What are the merits and demerits of Indian democracy?

5 merits and demerits of democracy a democratic government is better form of government because it is more accountable form of government. democracy improves the quality of decision making. democracy enhances the dignity of citizens. poor and least educated has the same status as the rich and educated.

What are its merits and demerits?

What Is The Difference Between Merits And Demerits?MERITSDEMERITSAM is easier to implement due its simple circuitEfficiency is lower and small operating rangeDemodulation can be done with cheaper and simple componentsNoise are induced in the transmissionThe receiver used is very cheapAudio clarity is poor1 more row

What are the merits and demerits of local self government?

It promotes self reliance and a sense of responsibility among people. Local people have better knowledge for local problems. It provides an opportunity to the people to participate and solve their problems. A lot of corruption due to indirect election to the Panchayati Raj. A lot of scarcity of funds.

What are the merits and demerits of dictatorship?

Essay on the Merits and Demerits of DictatorshipMerits of Dictatorship:(1) Establishment of a strong Government:(2) Stable and efficient Government:(3) Economic Prosperity:(4) Social Reforms:(5) Facing the crisis boldly:Demerits of Dictatorship:The following are the defects of dictatorship:

What are the disadvantages of power sharing?

disadvantages of power sharing are:It leads to a feeling between citizens that the sharing of power leads to division of power which makes a country weaker than it would be if power rested in one hand.It also leads to misunderstanding between the council of various organs.

What are the disadvantages of local self government?

disadvantages of Local self government :There is no proper distribution of power. Insufficient funds- this problem hinders the actual purpose of self government due to limited financial powers.Indirect election to the panchati raj allows for corrupt practices.

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