Why are most footballers bow legged?

Why are most footballers bow legged?

Footballers are more likely to have bow legs. Those that involve kicking a ball result in asymmetric strengthening of the muscles on the inside of your legs, and overloading of one side of the knee which changes the angle of the top end of the shin bone as it grows, giving bow legged alignment.

Does playing football cause bow legs?

The prevalence of bowlegs among young footballers was 73.3%, approaching double that in boys of the same age who were not active sports players (40.6%). The authors assumed that varization of the leg axis in football players is caused by repeated microtrauma to the growth plates above and below the knee.

Why do athletes have bow legged?

People with bowed legs have knees that whip inward as they step off from one foot to the other. This inward motion of the knees drives them forward and helps them run faster. So, good sprinters and halfbacks usually have flat feet, bowed legs and pigeon toes.

What problems can bow legs cause?

Arthritis is the primary long-term effect of bowlegs, and it can be disabling. When it’s severe, it can affect the knees, feet, ankles, and hip joints because of the abnormal stresses applied. If a person needs a total knee replacement at a young age, then a revision will likely have to be done when they are older.

What athletes have bowed legs?

Examples of Runners With Bow Legs

  • Steve Plasencia, who we mentioned earlier, is one such athlete.
  • Steve Prefontaine was another bow-legged Olympian.
  • Casey and Pat Moulton are twins from New Hampshire and share their bow leggedness.
  • Zach Bitter currently holds the world record for running 100 miles.

Can you fix bow legs?

Physiologic bow legs does not need treatment. It usually corrects itself as the child grows. A child with Blount disease may need a brace or surgery. Rickets usually is treated by adding vitamin D and calcium to the diet.

Are bowed legs bad?

However, this seemingly harmless condition can have real ramifications for your body over the course of your life, especially when it comes to back pain. In the long term, bow legs can lead to degenerative spinal conditions due to a lack of proper support.

Are bow legs genetic?

It’s more common in developing countries where children don’t get enough foods fortified with vitamin D. Sometimes rickets can run in families due to a genetic problem that affects how the body uses vitamin D. Blount disease, a growth disorder that affects the bones of the legs.

Should I run with bowed legs?

If you have bow legs, you can still exercise. You may want to choose lower impact exercises as these are less likely to lead to future knee problems due to a bow-legged alignment. One of the most important things you can do is to work on keeping your legs and knees in alignment during exercise.

Is bow legged normal?

Bowlegs is considered a normal part of growth in babies and toddlers. In young children, bowlegs is not painful or uncomfortable and does not interfere with a child’s ability to walk, run, or play. Children typically outgrow bowlegs some time after 18-24 months of age.

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