What is foundation in the sports development continuum?

What is foundation in the sports development continuum?

FOUNDATION means the early development of sporting competence and physical skills (e.g. throwing, catching, hand-eye co-ordination) upon which all later forms of sports development are based. Without a sound foundation, young people are unlikely to become long-term sports participants.

What are the 4 stages of sports development continuum?

The four different levels include foundation, participation, performance and excellence.

What is the development continuum?

Development Continuum. The development continuum is the contemporary way of viewing development; percieving it as a contiual process and recognising that it can occur in a number of different ways, not necessarily in the way the UK did, as outlined by the Rostow Model of Development.

Who came up with the sports continuum model?

Then he searched sport development online and he found the Sport Development Continuum (Bramham, Hylton, Jackson, & Nesti, 2001) which comprises the following four phases: Foundation; Participation; Performance; and Excellence.

What is the purpose of sport development?

The main function of a sports development career is to encourage participation in sport. Not in the same way your parents did when they told you to, “go kick a ball around or something and stop playing on that stupid computer,” but by providing more opportunities for people to get involved.

What is sports development pyramid?

Simply put, the Pyramid Model is a broad base of foundation skills participation, with increasingly higher levels of performance, engaged in by fewer and fewer people. The pyramid model of sport development is now well-entrenched and is known to many people as the sport development continuum.

What does sport development mean?

Sports development is the promotion of sporting opportunities throughout a community or region.

What defines sport development?

Fundamentally sport development is about participation and promoting the opportunities and benefits of participation. These themes include; policy, development through sport, development of sport, future patterns of sport delivery and marketing in terms of the relationship between professional sport and participation.

Is there a continuum of sport?

The Sports Development Continuum is a model that represents a persons involvement in sport by what stage they are at. It also highlights the route a performer can take to become an elite performer. The model has four stages; foundation, participation, performance, and excellence.

What is the concept of sports development?

How many stages are there in the sports development pyramid?

The model has four stages; foundation, participation, performance, and excellence.

Which is the third level of sports development pyramid?

Green’s (2005) Pyramid Model of Sport Development suggested that there are three levels of sport development: (a) mass participation which seeks to develop opportunities for everyone to participate in sport; (b) competitive sport which deals with peoples chances to achieve their potential in sport, from taking part for …

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