What is high-volt pulsed current?

What is high-volt pulsed current?

What is High Voltage Pulsed Current (HVPC)? HVPC uses a safe electrical current and a special silver dressing to conduct an electrical signal in the wound. This signal stimulates the growth of cells to heal and close a wound • HVPC is also called Electrical Stimulation Therapy (EST), E-Stim or ES.

What is high voltage galvanic current?

High-volt galvanic currents are unique because they are not grouped with alternating or direct currents. The typical high-volt current stimulator produces a twin-peak monophasic waveform. Because the waveform is fixed and small in duration, two peaks are required to depolarize nerve cells.

What are the 2 determining characteristics of high-volt pulsed current HVPC )?

Recent Advances: HVPC is a monophasic pulsed electric current that consists of double-peaked impulses (5-200 μs), at very high peak-current amplitude (2-2.5 A), and high voltage (up to 500 V), at a frequency of 1-125 pulses per second.

What is high-volt galvanic stimulation?

The galvanic stimulation combines a very short pulse duration of constant intensity with high peak voltage while still maintaining a low total current per second. In this way, the current helps to stimulate blood flow and deep tissues while avoiding tissue damage. It also effectively excites nerve fibers.

What is high volt electrical stimulation used for?

High voltage electrical stimulation is a type of electrical stimulation that your physical therapist may use to help decrease your pain or improve circulation. It is also occasionally used to help with wound healing.

What current does galvanic use?


Treatment Current type Current range
Galvanic (galvanism) Direct and constant milliAmps (mA)
Faradic Also known as Neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES), Faradism, Excitomotor current (USA), Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS) Direct, Pulsed (0.1–1 ms) Surged (~25 per min.) Up to 80 mA

What are the effects of galvanic current?

The faradic and galvanic current increase metabolism and remove waste products and bring more blood supply and nutrients to muscle thus increase demand of oxygen and nutrients to the muscle. Electrical stimulation will re-educate muscle action.

Is HVPC direct current?

High voltage pulsed direct current (HVPC) has recently been advocated for edema control.

When do you use high volt E Stim?

High Voltage Stimulation High voltage electrical stimulation is a type of electrical stimulation that your physical therapist may use to help decrease your pain or improve circulation. It is also occasionally used to help with wound healing.

What is galvanic current in physiotherapy?

What is it? Galvanic, or direct current, is a form of electrotherapy treatment. The electrical current, rectified to a safe, low-voltage level is applied to the body via electrodes placed on the skin. Galvanic current is usually applied by a qualified professional, via a machine in their clinic.

What is galvanic electrical stimulation?

What is high volt pulsed galvanic current (hvpgc)?

High Volt Pulsed Galvanic Current (HVPGC)  While used clinically over the last 45 years, this type of stimulation and its applications have received much more attention in the last five years.  Typical indications for use include a wide range of clinical problems where high voltage may be applied alone or in combination with other modalities.

What is a high volt pulsed galvanic stimulator?

The high volt pulsed galvanic stimulator (HVPGS), a type of neuromuscular stimulator is a short duration (microsecond), microamperage current driven by a high voltage current (up to 300 volts) that is delivered as a twin-peak monophasic waveform of fixed duration (100 microseconds).

What is galvanic current?

Galvanic current is one of the oldest forms of therapeutic electricity. The waveform is a continuous or pulsed flow of electrons. The flow of electrons in the direction of the negative pole results in electrochemical effects at the poles of the circuit.

What is a high peak voltage pulse?

Each pulse is of short duration (typically less than 200µs), but, as the name implies, at a high peak voltage (up to 500V, typically 150-500V). By virtue of the fact that each pulse is very short, the current flow through the tissue will average to a very low level – thus the links with microcurrent type therapies.

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