How do I train my espalier apple tree?

How do I train my espalier apple tree?

Pruning an unfeathered maiden (one-year-old tree with no sideshoots)

  1. When planting an unfeathered maiden, cut back the main stem to 30cm (1ft) from the ground.
  2. Allow the top three buds to grow out in spring, then train the top one vertically up a cane, and tie the others to canes at 45 degrees to the main stem.

When should I train my espalier apple tree?

In the first year of training, you will form the first tier of the espalier, and therefore you will create a tree with three branches: the two side branches, and the upward leading branch. In mid-May, tie the two lower side branches to an angle of about 60 degrees (from the horizontal).

Can you train any apple tree to espalier?

Only apple and pears can be trained as espaliers, as cherry and plums will break when you bend them horizontally.

What is the difference between espalier and cordon?

Cordons are trained against a wall, fence or on wires between free-standing posts. Espaliers are typically grown on a training system of horizontal wires against a wall or fence. Espalier are more ornamental than cordons, but require more space and maintenance.

What apple trees are best for espalier?

Best Apple Varieties for Espalier Training

  • Early ripening. Adore. Divine. Cox’s Orange Pippin.
  • Mid season ripening. Ariane. Baujade. Freyberg.
  • Mid-late season Ripening. Lady in Red. Braeburn. Splendour.
  • Late season ripening. Belle de Boskoop. Mother. TIP BEARING VARIETIES (not recommended for espalier – except for informal fan shapes)

How do you support an espalier tree?

You can use plastic ties, soft green tape or other ties — no metal — to loosely hold the cordon in place. Don’t make it too tight as the cordon needs space to grow.

How do you prune a apple tree fan?

Remove shoots growing towards the wall. Tie in all remaining shoots, aiming for them to be evenly spaced 22.5-30cm (9in-1ft) apart. If the fig produced numerous new shoots and the growth is crowded, prune the surplus new shoots to one bud. As new shoots develop, tie them into the wires to fill gaps in the fan.

What is a cordon trained tree?

The word cordon used in the context of fruit trees simply means a stem with short branches known as spurs which bear the fruit. Cordon trained trees have a columnar form with a main trunk and spurs coming off the trunk. They can also be arched to produce a fruit arch.

How far apart should espalier fruit trees be planted?

between 4 and 8 feet
They grow to around 10 feet tall without other training. These trees would normally be planted between 4 and 8 feet apart. However, as an espalier they can grow as close as 2 feet apart within a row, if kept to 5 feet tall. The general guideline for row spacing is to place rows twice as far apart as tree spacing.

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