What do Prospero Alonso and Caliban all have in common?

What do Prospero Alonso and Caliban all have in common?

What do Prospero, Alonso, and Caliban have in common? They all have magical powers while on the island. They all have royal blood in their veins.

How does Prospero feel about his treatment of Caliban?

Prospero accuses Caliban of being ungrateful for all that he has taught and given him. Prospero calls Caliban a “lying slave” and reminds him of the effort he made to educate him (I. ii. 347 ).

Who is ungrateful between Prospero and Caliban?

This quote shows that Caliban is ungrateful for what Prospero has given to him and instead of using it to speak with others in a calm manner, he uses it to curse as he feels resentful towards Prospero. Also, Caliban says himself ‘I know how to curse’ which shows that he is ill-mannered as well.

How are Ariel and Caliban different from each other?

Ariel is shapeless and invisible. We can gather something of him from Prospero’s calling him a “dainty and graceful spirit”. On the other hand, Caliban is an ugly misshapen monster, whose physical exterior is a symbol of his inner ugliness. He is wicked in nature.

How does Prospero use his magic on Caliban?

Prospero uses Caliban as a slave, substituting him for the dukedom he lost. Prospero has no respect for Caliban. He treats him as something otherworldly and less than human, using magic and the force of his will to subjugate him. Once upon this island, he decides that Caliban and Ariel should do his bidding.

How does Prospero use his magic to control Caliban?

Prospero tries to control Miranda’s knowledge of their lives in Milan by keeping it a secret from her. Prospero shows his authority over Ariel and Caliban by making them be his servants and keeps telling them that he will give them their freedom if they do as he asks.

What is the relationship between Caliban and Prospero?

The relationship between Caliban and Prospero is quite peculiar. There is mutual animosity—neither seems to feel kindly toward the other—but there is also mutual dependence. Prospero depends upon Caliban’s labor and Caliban depends upon Prospero’s wisdom and power.

How is Caliban described in the Tempest?

Caliban in The Tempest Every time characters speak about Caliban, they comment on how he relates to the island on which he was born. It’s no accident that the first person to describe Caliban, and hence to define him, is Prospero, who is the master stage manager of this entire play.

What is Act 1 Scene 1 about in Prospero and Caliban?

”Act I Scene I. The play explores the dynamics of a powered relationship from a variety of angles such as the generally positive relationship between Ariel and Prospero, the treachery in Alonso’s relationship with his nobles and the generally negative relationship that I will be writing about in the essay between Prospero and Caliban.

How does Prospero describe Miranda’s son in the Tempest?

A son was born to her there who is described by Prospero as “a freckled whelp, hag-born, not honoured with / A human shape”. In The Tempest, Prospero and Miranda are dependent on Caliban for their survival on the island. (Image: William Maw Egley/Public domain)

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