When was cisplatin approved by FDA?

When was cisplatin approved by FDA?

The successful results of these trials led to Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval of cisplatin in 1978 for testicular cancer treatment.

Is cisplatin still used today?

Cisplatin has been used as a treatment for cancer since its approval by the US Food and Drug Administration in 1978. And while five other platinum drugs based on the structure of cisplatin have been developed since, it has never been replaced. Platinum drugs are now used in 40% of all chemotherapy treatments.

Who discovered the anticancer properties of cisplatin?

Cisplatin has a molecular weight of 301.1 gm/mol, a density of 3.74 g/cm3, a melting point of 270° C, a log Kow of -2.19 and a water solubility of 2.53 g/L at 25° C (HSDB 2009). Cisplatin was first synthesized by M. Peyrone in 1844 and its chemical structure was first elucidated by Alfred Werner in 1893.

Who produces cisplatin?

Cisplatin | compare suppliers & send inquiries for free

Laurus Labs Type: Producer Produced in: India Producer
Qilu Pharma Type: Producer Produced in: China Producer
Heraeus Type: Producer Produced in: Germany Producer
Sicor De México Type: Producer Produced in: Mexico Producer

Is cisplatin a strong chemo?

Cisplatin and ovarian cancer Presently, cisplatin is one of the most powerful chemotherapeutic drugs used for the treatment of ovarian cancer; even though resistance is typical [20].

Why is cisplatin so toxic?

Renal toxicity from cisplatin derives from the uptake and activation of platinum within the proximal tubule cell. Therefore, maneuvers which differentially reduce cisplatin uptake, or activation by the kidney relative to tumor cells, should reduce nephrotoxicity without impairing anti-tumor responses.

Is cisplatin a carcinogen?

Traditionally, cisplatin has not been regarded among chemotherapeutic drugs as a carcinogenic risk to humans because it is not a classical alkylating agent.

Does cisplatin cause other cancers?

Background. Case reports, retrospective analyses, and observational studies have linked the use of cisplatin to increased risk of second cancers, especially life-threatening secondary leukemia.

Where is cisplatin manufactured?

Cisplatin is an essential chemotherapy medication used to treat several cancers including testicular, ovarian, cervical and bladder as well as brain tumours. JM was instrumental in the development of Cisplatin; manufacturing it at our facility in West Whiteland, Pennsylvania since 1978.

Why does cisplatin bind to guanine?

Two effects are equally important to give the preference for guanine over adenine: First, the transition state is characterized by a strong hydrogen bond between the ammine-hydrogen of cisplatin and the O=C6 moiety of guanine in addition to a stronger electrostatic interaction between the two reacting fragments.

What chemo is known as the Red Devil?

Can the red devil be defanged? Doxorubicin, an old chemotherapy drug that carries this unusual moniker because of its distinctive hue and fearsome toxicity, remains a key treatment for many cancer patients.

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