What was the monster in the garbage chute in Star Wars?

What was the monster in the garbage chute in Star Wars?

The dianoga
The dianoga was a fearsome creature in early drafts of Star Wars. Called the Dai Noga and Dia Nogu, the vicious beast appeared in varying locations — once in the bowels of Alderaan. The Dia Noga eventually found its way to an underground dungeon in the Death Star before getting put in the garbage masher.

Why was there a dianoga on the Death Star?

The monster in the Death Star trash compactor was called a Dianoga. Dianoga had the ability to break down biological waste into useful minerals, which could be salvaged and put to use. The dianoga in the Death Star trash compactor could’ve been placed there by the Empire to act like a biological composter.

What color is the dianoga eye?

Omi, like other dianoga, was a sentient carnivorous cephalopod which possessed multiple hearts, seven suckered tentacles, and a single eyestalk protruding from the center of their bodies. She had purple skin which could change color to match her surroundings, and a green eye with red sclera.

What was in the garbage in a new hope?

One of the oddest, best-loved, and most-nitpicked scenes from the original 1977 Star Wars, the six-minute sequence aboard the first Death Star finds Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill), Han Solo (Harrison Ford), Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher) and Chewbacca (Peter Mayhew) trapped inside a deadly garbage chamber filled with …

What is the creature on Bracca?

Ibdis Maw
The Ibdis Maw was a superorganism that lived on the planet Bracca. While resembling a sarlacc from outside, the Ibdis Maw consisted of a number of mouths connected by a vast digestive system located hundreds of meters below the surface of the planet.

What is the snow monster in Star Wars?

Wampa Wampas
Wampas are powerful furred bipeds that dwell in the snowy wastes of the ice world Hoth.

Why did the Dianoga let go of Luke?

Fortunately for Luke, the dianoga let go of him and disappeared. Unfortunately for all of the rebel heroes, the creature fled because it sensed the walls were about to move, crushing anything in their path.

Are Dianoga sentient?

Dianoga were sentient cephalopods characterized by seven suckered tentacles, an eyestalk, a mouth of sharp teeth, and several hearts. They could grow to a length of 7 to 10 meters. Their blood had a blue tint.

What was the creature on Bracca?

What was the number of the garbage compactor that nearly killed Han?

Sector 3263827 is the number for the Death Star trash compactor where Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Leia Organa got stuck in the very first “Star Wars” movie. Luke, Han, Leia, and Chewbacca were nearly crushed to death inside the trash compactor, but were saved at the last moment by R2-D2 and C-3PO.

Which Jedi died on Bracca?

History. The Stinger Mantis flies above Bracca During the Clone Wars, Jaro Tapal and his Padawan Cal Kestis were stationed above Bracca in their Venator-class Star Destroyer Albedo Brave. However, following Order 66, Tapal was killed and Kestis crash-landed on Bracca.

How did Cal get on Bracca?

Kestis worked for the Scrapper Guild alongside Prauf In the five years following the rise of the Galactic Empire, Kestis went into hiding to escape the purge that killed most of his fellow Jedi. He found work on Bracca by joining the Scrapper Guild as a rigger, while the Empire consolidated its reign over the galaxy.

What kind of game is Shadows of the Empire?

Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire is an action/adventure third/first-person shooter game set between the time of The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi . In conjunction with other Shadows of the Empire releases, the game was released on the Nintendo 64 platform in 1996.

What is the Dianoga in Star Wars?

The Revised Fourth Draft of Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope mentions this creature as Dia Nogu. The original Kenner toy for the Death Star playset, designed by Tim Effler, included a Dianoga in its trash compactor. The soft rubber form resembled a green, mutant shark with an eye stalk protruding from its nose and its fins ending with tentacles.

What happened to the dianoga on Sullust?

A dianoga in the water tanks of the SoroSuub refinery on Sullust. One dianoga inhabited the junkyard world Bracca during the early days of the Galactic Empire. The being made a home within the waters that flooded the remains of a derelict Venator -class Star Destroyer, one of many such vessels left for scrap on the planet.

How many shadows of the Empire cards are there?

The Shadows of the Empire card series is highlighted by 72 cards that virtually storyboard the events in Steve Perry’s novel. The series also contains six cards dedicated to vehicles, another six to the comics, and six more keyed to the video game.

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