What perennial plants have blue flowers?

What perennial plants have blue flowers?

The 10 best plants with blue flowers for a cool garden border

  1. Gentiana ‘Blue Silk’ (gentian)
  2. Delphinium ‘Blue Lace’
  3. Campanula cochlearifolia (fairy thimbles)
  4. Salvia patens (gentian sage)
  5. Agapanthus ‘Royal Blue’ (African lily)
  6. Iris ‘Harmony’ (iris)
  7. Triteleia laxa (triplet lily)
  8. Felicia amelloides (Kingfisher daisy)

Are there any blue perennial flowers?

Globe thistles are a very drought-resistant blue perennial that produces spherical blue flowers in the mid to late summer.

What plant has blue flowers on it?

Shrubs with Blue Flowers

Pugster Blue® Butterfly Bush (Buddleia) Lo and Behold® ‘Blue Chip Jr.’ Butterfly Bush (Buddleia)
Tiny Tuff Stuff™ mountain hydrangea (Hydrangea) Tuff Stuff Ah-ha® Reblooming mountain hydrangea (Hydrangea)
Let’s Dance® Rhythmic Blue® Reblooming Hydrangea (Hydrangea) Blue Diddley® Chastetree (Vitex)

What blue flowers bloom in spring?

Hyacinths grow from spring-flowering bulbs and produce small bundles of blue blossoms.

Are there any naturally blue flowers?

Naturally blue flowers aren’t just rare. They don’t exist. True blue pigment doesn’t exist in plants of any kind. Plenty of flowers called “blue” are actually a blue toned purple, lavender, or even a cool toned red.

How many natural blue flowers are there?

While blue is a very prominent color on earth, it is rarely produced in nature. In fact, of all the 280,000 known species of flowering plants, only 10 percent are blue.

Why are blue plants so rare?

But why is the color blue so rare? The answer stems from the chemistry and physics of how colors are produced — and how we see them. For a flower to appear blue, “it needs to be able to produce a molecule that can absorb very small amounts of energy,” in order to absorb the red part of the spectrum, Kupferschmidt said.

Do blue dahlias exist?

There are no blue dahlias. Dahlia flowers come in every color but blue. Like many flower varieties, there is also no pure black variety—only dark red and dark purple.

What herbs are perennial in Zone 6?

– Balloon Flower. – Purple Coneflowers. – Threadleaf Giant Hyssop. – English Lavender. – Red Hot Poker. – Russian Sage.

What are the best plants for Zone 6?

The best plants for zone 6 that can be sown outside as early as March are cold weather crops like lettuce, radishes, and peas. Of course, many other vegetables perform well in zone 6 too, including common garden varieties of: Tomatoes. Squash. Peppers. Potatoes. Cucumbers.

Is Liriope evergreen in Zone 6?

Called monkey grass in some parts of the U.S., but more commonly liriope or lilyturf, the plant is perennial down to U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zone 5 and evergreen above zone 7.

Are Mexican petunias perrenial plants in Zone 6?

It is hardy to zone 8 and likely through zone 7 or 6 with protection and careful siting. It propagates readily from stem and root cuttings. Because of its pest potential, Mexican petunia should be watched closely .

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