What is the plural of hardworking in Spanish?

What is the plural of hardworking in Spanish?

hardworking trabajador
plural el plural

How do you say hardworking in Spanish feminine?

also UK: hard-working adj. trabajador/a adj. Puede ser posesivo, numeral, demostrativo (“casa grande”, “mujer alta”).

Is Trabajadores a word?


What is the correct form of Trabajador?


Singular Plural
Masculine trabajador trabajadores
Feminine trabajadora trabajadoras

How do you say hard-working?


  1. active.
  2. busy.
  3. determined.
  4. diligent.
  5. hard-working.
  6. industrious.
  7. laborious.
  8. persevering.

Is a hard-working person?

A hard-working employee is someone who’s willing to learn and always looking for new ways to grow within the company. They won’t settle for this position or that answer, they want to be the best and move ahead among their coworkers. They want to learn more and advance themselves within the field.

What is the opposite of Hablador?

Antonyms for hablador. el introvertido. introvert. ADJECTIVE. (very communicative)-talkative.

What is the plural of joven?

jóvenes m pl. plural of joven: young people.

Is Trabajadores masculine or feminine?

masculine and feminine nounfeminine trabajadora.

What’s Trabajador plural?

Noun. trabajador m (plural trabajadores, feminine trabajadora, feminine plural trabajadoras)

What is the masculine plural for Trabajador?

trabajador noun, masculine (plural: trabajadores m)

Is hard working two words?

The Tory conference organisers wrote hardworking as one word. The Oxford English Dictionary points out that hard, before a participial adjective, is ‘always hyphenated’ when the compound is used attributively, as in ‘hard-boiled egg’.

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