What is the longest haftarah portion?

What is the longest haftarah portion?

The song of the sea is sometimes known as the Shirah (song) in some western Jewish synagogues. The haftarah for Beshalach tells the story of Deborah. At 52 verses, it is the longest haftarah.

What is Maftir and haftarah?

Maftir (Hebrew: מפטיר, “concluder”) is the last person called up to the Torah on Shabbat and holiday mornings: this person also reads the haftarah portion from a related section of the Nevi’im (prophetic books). On Jewish holidays and certain special Shabbatot there are readings from two or more Torah scrolls.

What is the song of the sea in the Bible?

The Song of the Sea was reputedly sung by the Israelites after their crossing the Red Sea in safety, and celebrates the destruction of the Egyptian army during the crossing, and looks forward to the future conquest of Canaan.

Is the Haftarah part of the Torah?

The haftarah reading follows the Torah reading on each Sabbath and on Jewish festivals and fast days. Typically, the haftarah is thematically linked to the parashah (weekly Torah portion) that precedes it. The haftarah is sung in a chant (known as “trope” in Yiddish or “Cantillation” in English).

When was Haftarah written?

The Haftarah originated in the pre-70 C.E. period. Scholars now understand that, in this early period, synagogues were places of studying and of Torah reading, but not usually places of formal prayer.

What is the shortest Torah portion?

The parashah is the shortest of the weekly Torah portions in the Book of Exodus (although not the shortest in the Torah), and is made up of 4,022 Hebrew letters, 1,105 Hebrew words, and 75 verses.

What is the meaning of haftarah?

Haftarah. The haftarah or (in Ashkenazic pronunciation) haftorah (alt. haphtara, Hebrew: הפטרה; “parting,” “taking leave”, plural haftoros or haftorot is a series of selections from the books of Nevi’im (“Prophets”) of the Hebrew Bible ( Tanakh ) that is publicly read in synagogue as part of Jewish religious practice.

What is the Torah portion?

The weekly Torah portion (Hebrew: פָּרָשַׁת הַשָּׁבוּעַ‬ Parashat ha-Shavua), popularly just parashah (or parshah /pɑːrʃə/ or parsha) and also known as a Sidra (or Sedra /sɛdrə/) is a section of the Torah (Five Books of Moses) used in Jewish liturgy during a single week.

What does the Torah say?

In the Torah, there is the commandment of ‘Pru U’revu,’ which translated literally means ‘to be fruitful and and multiply.’ The Jews are told to have children. That is the commandment, regardless if one wants to have sex or not. As the previous answer said, the Torah says nothing about sexuality.

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