What is the age difference between the Weasleys?

What is the age difference between the Weasleys?

Bill is two years older than Charlie, who is three years older than Percy, who is two years older than Fred and George, who are two years older than Ron, who is a year older than Ginny.

How much older are Fred and George than Ron?

Fred and George Weasley are the twin older brothers of Ron Weasley and Ginny Weasley. They are around two years older than Ron and Harry, and were in Gryffindor, following in the footsteps of their family. They are tricksters, always inventing new tricks and playing practical jokes on their schoolmates and teachers.

How old were the Weasley twins in their 7th year?

Seventh Year: 17–18 years of age. This is the same as the senior year of high school.

Is Fred older than George?

The actors who portrayed Fred and George are James and Oliver Phelps respectively. Oliver is actually the older twin, but Fred is older than George.

What is the age difference between Bill and Ginny Weasley?

Fleur Delacour is at most 21 when she marries Bill Weasley, who is a bit older, at 26. Although we don’t know exactly when Harry and Ginny get married, Ginny was 22 and Harry was 23 when they had their first child, which means that we can probably guess that they got married a year or two earlier than that.

What age is Hermione Granger?

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – real-life ages

Harry Potter – 17 years old Daniel Radcliffe – 20 years old
Hermione Granger – 18 years old Emma Watson – 19-20 years old
Neville Longbottom – 17 years old Matthew Lewis – 19-20 years old
Draco Malfoy – 18 years old Tom Felton – 22 years old

How old is Fleur Delacour?

Fleur Delacour is at most 21 when she marries Bill Weasley, who is a bit older, at 26.

Who died out of the Weasley twins?

Fred is the only member of the Weasley family who dies, and plays a factor in his mother’s duel with Bellatrix Lestrange. There are only two mentions of George after this. The first comes when Harry sees that the dead have been laid out in a row in the Great Hall.

What were Fred Weasley’s last words?

In the book, Fred’s last lines are spent marveling over his estranged brother Percy joining them for the fight and cracking a joke. He’s described as gleefully saying, “You actually are joking, Perce I don’t think I’ve heard you joke since you were —” immediately before his death.

Who did Ginny date?

She remains unattached and taken with Harry until she hooks up with Michael Corner, a Ravenclaw student. That relationship ends in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, after Ginny breaks up with him and Michael shifts his attention to Cho Chang. Then Ginny begins dating Dean Thomas.

What age is Nymphadora Tonks?

Nymphadora Tonks

Nymphadora Lupin (née Tonks)
Biographical information
Born 1973
Died 2 May, 1998 (aged 25) Hogwarts Castle
Blood status Half-blood

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