What is Bob Katz K-system?
A: Bob Katz K-System is a metering and monitoring standard that integrates the best concepts of the past with current psychoacoustic knowledge in order to avoid the ‘loudness war’ chaos that currently exists See the K-System link above for background information and a more in-depth knowledge.
What are the three sections of mastering by Bob Katz?
The first three sections comprise Preparation, Mastering Techniques, and Advanced Theory & Practice, while the fourth covers some of Bob Katz’s fascinating personal conclusions about both the process and the industry of mastering.
What metering should I use for K system?
The K System is optimised to past known standards that work. It ensures that the listening position is monitoring at 83db with a K20 meter (K20 metering ensures 20db of available headroom up to 0dbfs. Bob Katz recommends mixing to a K20 meter and mastering using a K14 meter.
What is katkatz’s Masterclass about?
Katz’s masterclass begins in chapter seven, with a look at the art of sequencing tracks together to make an album — choosing the right track to end the album, how to deal with a track which is stylistically different from the rest, and how to determine the gaps between the tracks.