What is a dual band patch antenna?

What is a dual band patch antenna?

The dual band antenna consists of a rectangular patch which is fed by the coaxial probe feeding technique. The ground plane is loaded with two rectangular strip slots and one elliptical slot to drive the antenna into dual mode and to enhance its bandwidth.

How can I increase the bandwidth of my patch antenna?

Bandwidth of antenna can be increased by various methods such as by increasing the thickness of substrate with low dielectric constant, by probe feeding, by cutting slot, by cutting notches and by different shapes of antenna.

What are the types of patch antenna?

The commonly available shapes of patch antenna are rectangular, circular, dipole, triangular, square and elliptical with rectangular and circular shapes the most common.

What are patch antennas used for?

The patch antenna is mainly practical at microwave frequencies, at which wavelengths are short enough that the patches are conveniently small. It is widely used in portable wireless devices because of the ease of fabricating it on printed circuit boards.

Is patch antenna and microstrip antenna same?

The most common type of microstrip antenna is commonly known as patch antenna. Some patch antennas do not use a dielectric substrate and instead are made of a metal patch mounted above a ground plane using dielectric spacers; the resulting structure is less rugged but has a wider bandwidth.

How many types of patch antenna are there?

There are three types in microstrip antenna: Microstrip patch antenna, Microstrip slot/travelling antenna and Printed dipole antenna. Among the above three types microstrip patch antenna can have any shape. Microstrip slot/travelling antenna is mostly rectangular or circular shape.

Which type of feeding has largest bandwidth?

Proximity coupling feed
Explanation: Proximity coupling feed provides largest bandwidth. Microstrip line feed limits the bandwidth due to increase in substrate thickness. Coaxial feed has narrow bandwidth. 10.

How can I improve my antenna efficiency?

If concern is antenna efficiency then material losses (copper or dielectric losses) are an important factor. You can apply reflecting surfaces, active component, EBG structure or slot matching etc to improve radiation efficiency.

Which antennas are renowned as patch antennas?

45) Which antennas are renowned as patch antennas especially adopted for space craft applications? ANSWER: Microstrip 46) Which conversion mechanism is performed by parabolic reflector antenna?

Why patch antenna is termed as a narrow bandwidth antenna?

The major disadvantage of patches is their narrow bandwidth, due to the close spacing between patch and ground plane. Fig. 27 shows bandwidth versus substrate height in free space wavelengths, for VSWR < 2.

What is triangular patch antenna?

A triangular slot is introduced at the upper edge of the patch to reduce the resonant frequency A small piece of triangular patch is grown within the triangular slot to improve the gain bandwidth performance of the antenna. …

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