What happened to the Theban Mapping Project?

What happened to the Theban Mapping Project?

The website had not been online for several years, due to lack of funding. However, with new funds having been made available by the American Research Center in Egypt, it went online again in January 2021, with new features and data.

Why was Professor weeks making a map of the Theban necropolis?

The excavation of KV 5 continues today. Dr. Weeks and Lotfy Khaled consolidating animal bones. In 1996 the Theban Mapping Project began to stabilize KV 5 to withstand the weight of the overlying bedrock and flooding.

Who was the leader of the mapping project in the Valley of the Kings in 1989?

Donald Ryan
In 1989, Donald Ryan of Pacific Lutheran University began a re-excavation and recording of several un-inscribed tombs, including KV 21, 27, 28, 44, 45, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, and 60.

When was the Theban necropolis built?

The tomb itself was built around 715–705 BCE under Shebitku, and it is the earliest one in South El-Assasif.

What did Kent Weeks do?

In 1978, Weeks devised and launched the Theban Mapping Project–an exceedingly ambitious plan to photograph and map every temple and tomb in the Theban Necropolis.

What did Kent Weeks discover?

In February 1995 they discovered doorways and a corridor 100 feet long leading to many separate chambers. At the end of the corridor was a figure of Ramses II portrayed as the god Osiris looking out over the burial sites of what was assumed to be some of his 52 sons.

Is Thebes now Luxor?

Its ruins lie within the modern Egyptian city of Luxor. Thebes was the main city of the fourth Upper Egyptian nome (Sceptre nome) and was the capital of Egypt for long periods during the Middle Kingdom and New Kingdom eras.

What was in King Tutankhamun’s tomb?

Tomb of Tut Ankh Amun, Egypt
Tutankhamun/Place of burial

Where is the tomb of Menna?

TT69, Egypt
Sheikh Abd el-Qurna, Egypt
Menna/Place of burial

Who was buried in the Theban Necropolis?


Designation Owner Period
TT5 Neferabet Ramesside Period
TT6 Nebnefer or Neferhotep Horemheb – Ramesses II, 19th Dynasty
TT7 Ramose Ramesses II, 19th Dynasty
TT8 Kha Amenhotep II, Tuthmosis IV and Amenhotep III

Why did archaeologists give up on exploring the KV5 tomb?

Why did many archaeologists give up on exploring the KV5 tomb? It was too far from Cairo. They only wanted to explore King Tut’s tomb. Archaeologists did not think there were any pharaohs buried there.

What does Dr Kent Weeks research?

Kent Weeks is an Egyptologist, a Connecticut based archaeologist who studies the culture and artifacts of ancient Egyptian civilization.

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