What does the git diff package do in atom?

What does the git diff package do in atom?

Git Diff package Marks lines in the editor gutter that have been added, edited, or deleted since the last commit.

How do I see git diff in atom?


  1. alt-g alt-d to toggle the diff view (You’ll need to press these keys one after another, and you’ll need to place the cursor on a line that is marked as a diff)
  2. escape to close the diff view.
  3. alt-u for undo.
  4. alt-c for copy.

How do you Diff an atom?


  1. Click on the two files that are to be compared in the tree view.
  2. Invoke the command using any of the below:
  3. From Command Palette (⌘+⌂+P) invoke Compare Files: Compare.
  4. Right click on one of the selected files and choose Compare Files.
  5. Use the keyboard shortcut – ⌘+ctrl+C (Windows and Linux: ctrl+alt+C)

What are the differences between Git and a text editor?

A text editor can only make and save changes to a file. Git tracks changes to the files and their contents over time.

How do I enable tree view in atom?

  1. Go to Atom Preference > Packages.
  2. Enable core Package tree-View.

How do I view JSON in an atom?

atom-json-format package Open a json file (or paste a json content into an editor tab) Press to format the file.

How do you view projects in an atom?

If you don’t see the Projects pane on the left-hand side, you can open it by pressing CMD + \ on Macs, or CTRL + \ on Windows computers. This pane shows the contents of your Project folders, which are essentially just folders on your machine that you want to use Atom to edit.

How do I use atom as a git commit editor?

Atom can be used as your Git commit editor and ships with the language-git package which adds syntax highlighting to edited commit, merge, and rebase messages. You can configure Atom to be your Git commit editor with the following command: git config –global core.editor “atom –wait”

What is gitgutter and how does it work?

The name “gitgutter” comes from the Sublime Text 3 plugin which inspired this in 2013. Shows signs for added, modified, and removed lines. Runs the diffs asynchronously where possible. Ensures signs are always up to date.

How do I jump between chunks in gitgutter?

Using our previously set key-bindings, we can easily jump between these modified chunks: Navigating between chunks with vim-gitgutter. You can also add a binding for staging individual chunks with GitGutterStageHunk and reverting a modified chunk back to git HEAD with GitGutterUndoHunk:

Why doesn’t Vim-gitgutter show the sign column?

If you switch off both line highlighting and signs, you won’t see the sign column. In older Vims (pre 8.1.0614 / Neovim 0.4.0) vim-gitgutter will suppress the signs when a file has more than 500 changes, to avoid slowing down the UI.

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