What are the HTML background colors?
Basic Colors
Color name | Hex rgb | Decimal |
red | #FF0000 | 255,0,0 |
purple | #800080 | 128,0,128 |
fuchsia | #FF00FF | 255,0,255 |
green | #008000 | 0,128,0 |
What are the different colors in HTML?
Colors in HTML. a color name. HTML used to recognize 16 color names (“black”, “white”, “gray”, “silver”, “maroon”, “red”, “purple”, “fushsia”, “green”, “lime”, “olive”, “yellow”, “navy”, “blue”, “teal”, and “aqua”), but new browsers can recognize 147 CSS3 color names.
How do you do color in HTML?
The most common way of coloring HTML text is by using hexadecimal color codes (Hex code for short). Simply add a style attribute to the text element you want to color – a paragraph in the example below – and use the color property with your Hex code.
What are the 24 colors?
Right now, the 24-count box has red, yellow, blue, brown, orange, green, violet, black, carnation pink, yellow orange, blue green, red violet, red orange, yellow green, blue violet, white, violet red, dandelion, cerulean, apricot, scarlet, green yellow, indigo and gray.
What are the standard HTML colors?
HTML Color Names. The following 140 HTML color names are defined in the HTML5 & CSS3 specifications. The W3C HTML 4.0 standard supports only 16 colors: aqua, black, blue, fuchsia , gray, green, lime, maroon, navy, olive, purple, red, silver, teal, white, and yellow.
How many colors are used in HTML?
Sixteen colors can be referenced by name when using HTML 4.01. The colors are black, silver, gray, white, red, maroon, purple, fuchsia , lime, green, olive, yellow, blue, navy, aqua and teal. HTML 4.01 is a programming language used in the design of documents and websites.
How do you add a color to HTML?
Change the color of any text, headings or links on your website page by including color codes and the proper HTML code within the page of your website code. Any text can be colored by adding the HTML attribute “” to the code.
What are HTML color names?
HTML extended color names. If you have worked with using colors in HTML, you may agree that the easiest way to reference colors is to use the actual color names. HTML recognizes the following 16 color names: aqua, black, blue, fuchsia , gray, green, lime, maroon, navy, olive, purple, red, silver, teal, white, and yellow.