Can you do condition variables without having a mutex?

Can you do condition variables without having a mutex?

Not all condition variable functions require a mutex: only the waiting operations do. The signal and broadcast operations do not require a mutex. A condition variable also is not permanently associated with a specific mutex; the external mutex does not protect the condition variable.

What does Pthread cond wait do?

The pthread_cond_wait() function blocks the calling thread, waiting for the condition specified by cond to be signaled or broadcast to. When pthread_cond_wait() is called, the calling thread must have mutex locked.

Does pthread_cond_signal unlock mutex?

The pthread_cond_signal() routine is used to signal (or wake up) another thread which is waiting on the condition variable. It should be called after mutex is locked, and must unlock mutex in order for pthread_cond_wait() routine to complete.

What is a condition variable Pthread?

Along with mutexes, pthreads gives us another tool for synchronization between the threads, condition variables. Condition variables are variables of the kind pthread_cond_t. When a thread is waiting on a mutex it will continuously keep polling on the mutex waiting for it to get unlocked.

What’s the difference between condition variable and mutex?

A monitor (a mutex + a conditional variable) helps us here. We still need a mutex to guarantee mutual exclusive access but a conditional variable lets us sleep and wait for a certain condition. The condition here is the producer adding an item to the buffer.

Why do we need condition variables?

You need condition variables, to be used with a mutex (each cond. var. belongs to a mutex) to signal changing states (conditions) from one thread to another one. The idea is that a thread can wait till some condition becomes true.

Is Pthread mutex lock blocking?

The pthread_mutex_lock() function locks mutex. If the mutex is already locked, the calling thread will block until the mutex becomes available. So yes – your thread is blocked until the lock is available and it can obtain it.

What is Pthread barrier?

pthreads allows us to create and manage threads in a program. When multiple threads are working together, it might be required that the threads wait for each other at a certain event or point in the program before proceeding ahead.

Does pthread_cond_wait unlock mutex?

pthread_cond_wait() simultaneously unlocks the mutex and begins waiting for the condition variable to be signalled. thus you must always have ownership of the mutex before invoking it.

What is Pthread_mutex?

int pthread_mutex_lock(pthread_mutex_t *mutex) : Locks a mutex object, which identifies a mutex. If the mutex is already locked by another thread, the thread waits for the mutex to become available. The thread that has locked a mutex becomes its current owner and remains the owner until the same thread has unlocked it.

What is condition variable C++?

Condition variable. A condition variable is an object able to block the calling thread until notified to resume. It uses a unique_lock (over a mutex ) to lock the thread when one of its wait functions is called.

What is mutex condition?

6.22. 5 Mutexes and Condition Variables. Short for “mutual exclusion”, the name “mutex” indicates that only one thread at a time can acquire access to data that is protected by a mutex – threads are excluded from accessing data at the same time.

Why does pthread_cond_wait require a mutex?

This is why the cond_wait function requires a mutex The mutex is supposed to be locked when you call pthread_cond_wait; when you call it it atomically both unlocks the mutex and then blocks on the condition. Once the condition is signaled it atomically locks it again and returns.

How does thread_cond_wait work?

pthread_cond_waitunlocks the mutex just before it sleeps (as you note), but then it reaquires the mutex (which may require waiting) when it is signalled, before it wakes up. So if the signalling thread holds the mutex (the usual case), the waiting thread will not proceed until the signalling thread also unlocks the mutex.

How does the mutex wait work?

The wait will “atomically” unlock the mutex, allowing others access to the condition variable (for signalling). Then when the condition variable is signalled or broadcast to, one or more of the threads on the waiting list will be woken up and the mutex will be magically locked again for that thread.

Can you use condition variables without a mutex?

If you think you can use condition variables without a mutex, then you haven’t grasped that condition variables are stateless. Condition variables are built around a condition. Threads that wait on a condition variable are waiting for some condition. Threads that signal condition variables change that condition.

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