Did social media play a role in the Arab Spring?

Did social media play a role in the Arab Spring?

Acknowledgement of the role of social media during the Arab Spring. As a result of their research many academics have come to the conclusion that social media played a critical role in “mobilization, empowerment, shaping opinions, and influencing change” during the Arab Spring.

What was the Facebook revolution?

Facebook Revolution may refer to different revolutions and protests, which were coordinated using Facebook: 2009 Iranian presidential election protests, following the 2009 Iranian presidential election against the disputed victory of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

What did the Egyptian revolution do?

It consisted of demonstrations, marches, occupations of plazas, non-violent civil resistance, acts of civil disobedience and strikes. Millions of protesters from a range of socio-economic and religious backgrounds demanded the overthrow of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak.

What was the impact of Arab Spring movement?

While leadership changed and regimes were held accountable, power vacuums opened across the Arab world. Ultimately, it resulted in a contentious battle between a consolidation of power by religious elites and the growing support for democracy in many Muslim-majority states.

What is the Internet revolution?

Between 1993 and 1995, the World Wide Web (www, or the Web), a user-friendly information-sharing network system, quietly came into being and began to spread. These exchanges demanded advanced computer skills, and the Internet remained a mystery to those without training. …

How does Facebook collect data about its users?

Facebook also collects biometric data from user photos and has been training its facial recognition AI system, DeepFace, to recognize individuals and let users know when a photo of them has surfaced online.

How does Egypt celebrate Revolution Day?

It is the biggest secular public holiday in Egypt and is considered the National Day of Egypt. The public holiday itself is characterised by large and elaborate celebrations, including military parades and televised concerts with heavily nationalistic themes.

What are the five themes of geography for Egypt?

by: Mallory Drye

  • Physical Characteristics.
  • Human-Environment Interaction.
  • Absolute Location.
  • Human Characteristics.
  • Introduction.
  • Relative Location.

How did Egypt gain independence?

Egypt became an independent state in 1922. Britain and France invaded Egypt and seized back control of the canal. However, the USA and other nations severely criticised Britain and France and pressured them into pulling out. It was a sign that Britain’s days as a great imperial power were over.

How did social media affect the Egyptian Revolution?

While many in Egypt had limited, if any, access to social media, for those outside of Egypt, social media enabled them to gather, curate and distribute news as it unfolded. For the first time, people from geographically dispersed locations, without personal connections to the region, had a front row seat at the revolution.

What happened to Egypt’s online revolution?

Their online revolutionary spirit was infectious for those watching from afar. According to the Project on Information Technology and Political Islam the number of tweets posted about Egypt – many using #Jan25in homage – jumped from 2,300 to 230,000 per day the week before Mubarak stepped down on the 11 February.

How did Twitter become so popular in Egypt?

In a revolutionary move, twitter launched a Speak2tweet service, a service that allowed Egyptians to call a number and leave a message which would be tweeted automatically with the hash tag #Egypt. This quickly gained popularity with 8660 followers posting 987 tweets within 24 hours, almost one tweet every two minutes.

Is a digital revolution happening in the Middle East?

Lawrence Pintak, author of The New Arab Journalist, pointed out on CNN that despite the speed with which the Mubarak regime fell, bloggers and digital activists have been working toward reform under violent repression in the Middle East for years. “This is a digital revolution that has been happening for quite a while,” Pintak said.

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