What is Desuggestopedia method?

What is Desuggestopedia method?

Desuggestopedia is an application of the study of suggestion to pedagogy. Desuggest is the opposite of suggest. It is used to eliminate the negative feeling and Suggestopedia is used to reinforce the positive feeling and to release the full mental power.

What are the advantages of Silent Way method?

1), there are three advantages of silent way method such as: 1) The interaction of students not only with teachers but also with each other 2) The errors are corrected by students themselves, and this errors is become the feedback for teacher to help the students 3) Silent way teachers are less spoken, therefore they …

Is literature a part of MTB MLE?

Learning Area Standard of MTB-MLEis what the DepEd Curriculum Guide of MTB-MLE states: Use Mother Tongue appropriately and effectively in oral, visual and written communication in a variety of situations and for a variety of audiences, contexts and purpose including learning other context subjects and languages.

What is the role of the students native language in Silent Way method?

The students’ native language can be used to give instructions when necessary, to help a student improve his/her pronunciation. The native language is also used during the feedback sessions. Native language translation is used to make the meaning of the dialog clear.

What is the Silent Way method of teaching?

This YouTube video shows the teacher named Don Cherry, where he uses the Silent Way method, which enable students construct their learning at their own pace. That is, teacher’s silence provides the cognitive and affective opportunity for students to be responsible towards their learning.

What is Gattegno’s Silent Way?

The Silent way represents Gattegno’s venture into the field of foreign language teaching. It refers to the methodology of teaching language based on the idea that teachers should be silent in the classroom, but students should be encourages to speak as much as possible.

Why is silence a tool in teaching and learning?

Silence is a tool because the teachers are silent and that gives the responsibility to the student. Besides, teacher’s silence helps students monitor themselves and improve their own inner criteria. Students should make use of what they already know. They are responsible for their own learning. They actively take part in exploring the language.

What is the legacy of Silent Way?

Lastly, the problem-solving feature of Silent Way may well prove to be its most enduring legacy as it has led indirectly both to the idea of Task-based Learning and to the widespread use of problem-solving activities in language classrooms.

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