What are goal lipid levels?

What are goal lipid levels?

The optimal guideline level of LDL cholesterol is less than 100 mg/dl. Research from the Cleveland Clinic (REVERSAL study) compared two cholesterol lowering drugs (pravastatin and atorvastatin) and found that lower levels of LDL, as low as 60 mg/dl had better outcomes.

What is the lipid testing protocol for Adult recommended by the NCEP to evaluate risk for atherosclerosis beginning at age 20?

In addition to the USPSTF guidelines, lipid disorder screening recommendations also have been published by the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) (5), which recommends a complete fasting lipoprotein profile (TC, LDL-C, and TG) for all adults aged ≥20 years as the preferred screening test.

What is LDL goal for diabetics?

Target LDL cholesterol levels for adults with diabetes are <100 mg/dl (2.60 mmol/l); HDL cholesterol levels are >40 mg/dl (1.02 mmol/l); and triglyceride levels are <150 mg/dl (1.7 mmol/l).


The NCEP ATP III panel defined metabolic syndrome as the presence of three or more of the following risk determinants: 1) increased waist circumference (>102 cm [>40 in] for men, >88 cm [>35 in] for women); 2) elevated triglycerides (≥150 mg/dl); 3) low HDL cholesterol (<40 mg/dl in men, <50 mg/dl in women); 4) …

How does HDL and LDL affect diabetes?

Diabetes and high cholesterol often occur together The American Heart Association (AHA) states that diabetes often lowers HDL (good) cholesterol levels and raises triglycerides and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels. Both of these increase the risk for heart disease and stroke.

How do you read lipid profile results?

In general, HDL levels of 60 mg/dL or higher are considered to be good. Likewise, levels below 40 mg/dL are considered a risk factor for heart disease….But in general, LDL results are as follows:

  1. Optimal: Less than 100 mg/dL.
  2. Near optimal: 100-129 mg/dL.
  3. Borderline high: 130-159 mg/dL.
  4. High: 160-189 mg/dL.

What are the lipid goals for patients with diabetes without heart disease?

The lipid goals published by the National Cholesterol Education Program ATP III reflect this concept; “For patients with patients diabetes without coronary heart disease, the LDL cholesterol goal <100 mg/dL (The same as for a person with coronary heart disease). The guidelines are well explained in below.

Are the NCEP ATP III and ADA guidelines for diabetes the same?

It describes the NCEP ATP III and ADA guidelines for patients with diabetes for LDL cholesterol goals, LDL cholesterol levels for initiation of lifestyle interventions, and LDL cholesterol levels for pharmacologic therapy. The NCEP ATP III and ADA guidelines are not exactly the same, but they are similar.

What is the ATP III classification of triglycerides?

ATP III Classification of Serum Triglycerides (mg/dL) <150 Normal 150-199 Borderline high 200-499 High ≥500 Very high Treatment of elevated triglycerides (≥150 mg/dL) Primary aim of therapy is to reach LDL goal Intensify weight management Increase physical activity If triglycerides are >200 mg/dL after LDL goal is reached, set

What are the ataTP III guidelines for LDL cholesterol?

ATP III Guidelines At-A-Glance Quick Desk Reference LDL Cholesterol – Primary Target of Therapy <100 Optimal 100-129 Near optimal/above optimal 130-159 Borderline high 160-189 High >190 Very high Total Cholesterol <200 Desirable 200-239 Borderline high >240 High HDL Cholesterol <40 Low >60 High

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