Which server is better euw or EUNE?

Which server is better euw or EUNE?

EUW is far better. More players, better players, less toxicity (still quite a lot, but still less than EUNE), and more English speakers. Also, fun fact, even though EUNE is meant for Nordic countries, most of the nordic players actually play on EUW.

Is KR better than na?

But out of the three, KR has the highest win-rate(42.18%) while NA’s sits below 40%. ‘Aatrox’, ‘Ivern’, and ‘Skarner’… these three picks are in the “top 4” least picked champions for all three regions. Skarner has the lowest ban-rate shared across all three regions.

Is Bronze bad in league?

Absolutely not, it’s a myth. The people in bronze really belong in challenger, their team just feeds EVERY SINGLE GAME. People in low bronze don’t give a crap about their elo, because they are beyond hope of raising it, and are therefore pretty upbeat and friendly.

How bad is EUNE compared to euw?

EUNE and EUW are pretty much the same. Only difference might be the fact that all EU pro players (Diamond 1/challenger) go to EUW so they can play vs eachother. What a way to compare skills, some class act kids you have as friends. Platinum Diamond etc are the same for both servers.

What’s the hardest server in LoL?


  • Ionia (Chinese Server which Dopa commonly plays on)
  • EUW.
  • Garena.
  • NA.
  • What does SEA server mean?

    South East Asia: refers to the region or the server location itself (servers are located in Singapore mostly). For other region acronyms: NA: North America (US west + US East server-wise) EU: Europe (bar Russia.

    Is bronze 5 0lp better than Na bronze?

    On the other hand, Bronze 5 0lp will have better players in a smaller server like OCE compared to a larger server like NA using the same logic. Well, your stat means nothing. You could play different champions, your teammates were better overall in EUW etc.

    Is there a big difference between Euw and eune?

    Well, your stat means nothing. You could play different champions, your teammates were better overall in EUW etc. Maybe you played on EUW before EUNE and you learnt how to play in this elo thus you lost less games on EUNE. Most likely there’s no difference till D1.

    Why do I lose less games on eune than Euw?

    Maybe you played on EUW before EUNE and you learnt how to play in this elo thus you lost less games on EUNE. Most likely there’s no difference till D1. It’s basically the same everywhere (perhaps Korea being a LITTLE bit ahead) until you get to high diamond/master/challenger.

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