Is Liferay Portal free?

Is Liferay Portal free?

This library, Liferay Portal Community Edition, is free software (“Licensed Software”); you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Is Liferay DXP open source?

Liferay is an open source company at heart. Because of the nature of cloud, which heavily involves data security and data protection, we decided to make Liferay DXP Cloud a closed source product.

How do you build a Liferay source?

To build the latest Liferay CE Maven artifacts from source, follow these steps: Navigate to your local Liferay Portal CE source project….Building Liferay Maven Artifacts from Source

  1. Create an app.server.[user name].properties file in your local Liferay Portal CE source project root directory.
  2. Run ant -f build-dist.

Is Liferay worth learning?

It is rich in functionality, has few bugs, its code is well written, the community is very helpful, and it is flexible and customizable, useful for a wide range of necessities. Nonetheless, Liferay is a portal tool, so it excels as a content-centric platform.

How do I access my Liferay Portal?

Open a browser to http://localhost:8080 .

  1. Click the Sign In link. Note. If a Liferay DXP bundle is being used, you may be presented with the Setup Wizard. Follow the on-screen instructions to configure your Admin user.
  2. Enter the default admin credentials to log in. Email address: [email protected]. Password: test. Warning.

What is liferay used for?

Liferay is an open source enterprise portal which is free and mainly used to enable corporate extranet and intranet. It is a robust web application platform written in Java and offers a host of features useful for the development of portals and websites.

How do I make a Liferay source code?

How can I build Liferay 7.0 from source?

  1. Navigate to your new liferay-portal directory: cd liferay-portal/
  2. In your app.server.${yourname}.properties file, set the location where you want Liferay 7.0 to be built: echo “app.server.parent.dir=/path/to/liferay-portal” \ > “app.server.$(whoami).properties”

Are portlets still used?

Is this technology popular and really used in production commercially? This will attract more opinions than answers but no, portlets are not used as much any more. Portals in general are not as popular as they once were and so the use of portlets is not as popular.

What is Liferay good for?

Lets see what is Liferay, Liferay Portal is a free and open source enterprise portal written in Java and distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License and proprietary licenses. It is primarily used to power corporate intranets and extranets. Liferay Portal allows users to set up features common to websites.

How do I customize my Liferay login page?

Using eclipse IDE,

  1. Go to liferay workspace project → modules → new.
  2. Select other → Liferay → Liferay Fragment Module Project and Click.
  3. Enter project name.
  4. Select “Liferay runtime name” as select “Liferay 7. x” and Click on “Next”

What is Liferay DXP?

Digital Experience Platform (DXP) is an emerging category of enterprise software seeking to meet the needs of companies undergoing digital transformation, with the ultimate goal of providing better customer experiences.

How is the Liferay Portal developed?

Liferay Portal is produced by the worldwide Liferay engineering team, and involves many hours of development, testing, writing documentation, and working with the wider Liferay community of customers, partners, and open source developers. We are glad you have chosen Liferay Portal, and hope that it meets or exceeds your expectations!

Is Liferay free to use?

Instead, you are free to use any license you like: open source or proprietary, or none at all. In this way, Liferay preserves your freedom to release your software (or not) in any way that seems right to you. Liferay also follows a common (but not always true) collaborative model of Open Source software development. In particular:

Why choose Liferay for software development?

In this way, Liferay preserves your freedom to release your software (or not) in any way that seems right to you. Liferay also follows a common (but not always true) collaborative model of Open Source software development. In particular: Development tasks can be followed in real time in the issue tracking system of the project .

What is launchliferay Community Edition?

Liferay Community Edition Liferay Community Edition is an open-source portal and can get source code to add or customize the application. It includes an excellent working group and community people and allows users to contribute their work to the Liferay community. 2.

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