Where does the question mark go in a quotation?

Where does the question mark go in a quotation?

Place a question mark or exclamation point within closing quotation marks if the punctuation applies to the quotation itself. Place the punctuation outside the closing quotation marks if the punctuation applies to the whole sentence. Phillip asked, “Do you need this book?”

What is a Request for Quotation document?

A request for quotation or quote (RFQ) is a document that details a buyer’s requirements and asks vendors to respond with pricing and payment terms. An RFQ is different from an RFP because it focuses almost exclusively on the cost of a specific item or items.

How can you improve the quoting process?

Quote: Always try and send out the quote before the deadline you promised it by, as this sets the tone for the relationship. Follow-up: Always follow up! Contact the potential customer/ lead the day after the quote was sent to confirm it has been received (emails get lost in junk folders).

What does RFQ stand for in business?

Request for Quote

How do you write an RFQ letter?

Tips for writing request for quote letterList the requirements of goods and services.Mention the mode of business you are conducting.Use professional and formal language.Keep it short and concise.Give precise details about the quote.Describe the requirements of goods or services you need.Use the business format.

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