What creature is Meepo?

What creature is Meepo?

the Geomancer
Meepo, the Geomancer, is a melee agility hero who is notorious for being one of the most difficult carries in the game to play effectively due to his heavy reliance on micromanagement.

Is Meepo a strong hero?

Originally Answered: Is meepo really a hard hero? Yes he is. He’s one of the hardest heroes in DoTA to play correctly. In my opinion, he (or they, once he gets his ult) and Invoker are at the top of that spectrum.

Is Meepo a carry?

Meepo can also be played as a safe-lane carry, as his low base damage and dependence on levels and farm in order to be effective means that he must be protected by his team.

Is Meepo a good brand?

MeepoBoards Review Meepo’s boards are the best affordable electric skateboard on the market right now. Amongst budget board brands, Meepo ranks top in both specs and quality.

Is Meepo good late game?

Summary. Meepo is falsely considered to be a midgame-only hero and to be useless once everyone hits 25. This build makes him a viable threat from level 11 onward, and provides for end-game core to replace early core if the game is dragged out long enough to get them.

Which hero counters Meepo?


Hero Dis. Hero Win Rate
Elder Titan 12.88% 37.48%
Winter Wyvern 12.00% 38.61%
Earthshaker 11.10% 39.30%
Leshrac 8.77% 43.24%

How do you counter Meepo?


  1. Some of Meepo’s best counters focus on singling out a Meepo from his clones. Shallow Grave can save a low health Meepo clone when he is in a pickle.
  2. Shadow Wave heals multiple Meepos at once, making him survive longer.
  3. Bad Juju armor reduction helps with amplifying the attack damage of Meepo and his clones.

What is aghanim’s scepter used for?

The scepter of a wizard with demigod-like powers. Aghanim’s Scepter (also known as Aghs or Scepter) is a powerful item used to passively increase the power of a hero’s spells, usually their ultimate. The upgrade that Aghanim’s Scepter provides can be anything from a new ability to simply an increase in power.

What is aghanim’s Labyrinth?

Second temporary icon used during the 2020 Summer Event, Aghanim’s Labyrinth . Aghanim’s Scepter is named after Agahnim, one of the main villains in The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. Rubick is the son of Aghanim.

How to control Meepo?

First, to control meepo is, you need a hot key that already been prepair on game setthing. five for ur (illusion) if you play manta and lastly for (all your meepo). why you need 2 clone meepo group? 1 group with 2 clone meepo. why separate main meepo with other clone meepo?

Why don’t heroes mention aghanim’s name in their voice responses?

With the exception of Dark Willow, Grimstroke, Razor, Snapfire and Void Spirit, heroes never mention Aghanim’s name in their voice responses, simply referring to it as “The Scepter”. The reason for this is unknown. Riki and Lion are the only heroes who do not have any Scepter responses (excluding Io and Phoenix, who do not speak).

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