What is the genetic material of PhiX174 bacteriophage?

What is the genetic material of PhiX174 bacteriophage?

PhiX174 is composed of a single circle of DNA surrounded by a shell of proteins. That’s all. It can inject its DNA into a bacterial cell, then force the cell to create many new viruses.

How many base pairs in PhiX174 has?

5,386 base pairs
PhiX174 RF I DNA is a double-stranded circular DNA molecule composed of 5,386 base pairs.

How many base pairs are there in phi 174 bacteriophage?

The complete 30-base-pair origin region of bacteriophage phi X174 in a plasmid is both required and sufficient for in vivo rolling-circle DNA replication and packaging.

What is the length of DNA in φ X174 phage?

5386 bases
ΦX174 Virion DNA is the single-stranded viral DNA isolated from bacteriophage ΦX174 am3 cs70. It has a molecular weight of 1.70 x 106 daltons and is 5386 bases in length.

In which of the following bacteriophage single-stranded DNA is found?

A single-stranded DNA is present in Coliphage 174. The \[\phi \times 174\] bacteriophage was the first DNA based genome to be sequenced. This bacteriophage has around a single-stranded DNA genome of 5386 nucleotides that code 11 proteins. Only 8 are important to viral morphogenesis out of those 11 proteins.

How long did it take to sequence phiX174?

In 2003, Smith et al. demonstrated the assembly and functionality of the smaller (5386 bp) phiX174 bacteriophage genome in a process that required only 14 days [5].

How many base pairs are present in 5386 nucleotides?

2693 base pairs
Base pair means two complementary nucleotides one of which is purine (Adenine or Guanine) and the other is pyrimidine (Thymine or Cytosine). Hence, 1 base pair has 2 nucleotides. So, 5386 nucleotides will have 5386/ 2 = 2693 base pairs.

What is the length of DNA of bacteriophage lambda?

The cos site circularizes the DNA in the host cytoplasm. In its circular form, the phage genome, therefore, is 48,502 base pairs in length. The lambda genome can be inserted into the E. coli chromosome and is then called a prophage.

What is the length of DNA in bacteriophage?

Question : The length of DNA a bacteriophage varphi 174 and lambda is

Question The length of DNA a bacteriophage φ 174 and λ is
Chapter Name Nta Neet Set 34
Subject Biology (more Questions)
Class 12th
Type of Answer Video & Text

Does T4 have DNA or RNA?

Escherichia virus T4 is a species of bacteriophages that infect Escherichia coli bacteria. It is a double-stranded DNA virus in the subfamily Tevenvirinae from the family Myoviridae. T4 is capable of undergoing only a lytic lifecycle and not the lysogenic lifecycle.

What is the general structure of a T4 bacteriophage?

Bacteriophage T4 consists of a head for protecting its genome and a sheathed tail for inserting its genome into a host. The tail terminates with a multiprotein baseplate that changes its conformation from a “high-energy” dome-shaped to a “low-energy” star-shaped structure during infection.

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