Why is my cat lethargic and hiding?

Why is my cat lethargic and hiding?

Cats that are lethargic or sedated is frequently a sick cat. Older cats might be experiencing age-related body changes, and arthritis and/or joint disease will certainly slow down most cats. In fact, any number of diseases, from heart conditions to cancer, can alter a cat’s attitude and behavior.

Do cats hide when they are dying?

Cats are known to hide when they are gravely ill. Why? Because they instinctively know that in the wild, a sick animal is a target. They are likely trying to protect themselves by “hiding” from any threat that might take advantage of them in their compromised state.

Do cats hide when they are sick?

The most common sign of illness in some cats is hiding in a quiet, out-of-the-way place. Sick cats often lie quietly in a hunched position. They might neglect grooming. They may be purring, which cats do not only when they’re happy, but also when they’re sick or in pain.

Why would a cat suddenly start hiding?

Hiding is a natural cat reaction to feeling anxious – they’re literally trying to hide from the danger – and it will probably go away once your cat starts to relax. Stress-hiding is usually relatively short-lived so if it’s not, that’s when it’s time to head to the vet.

When should I take my cat to the vet for lethargy?

When Should You Call a Vet About Lethargy in Your Cat? Call your veterinarian immediately if your cat is extremely lethargic or if their lethargy occurs in combination with other serious symptoms like difficulty breathing or severe vomiting or diarrhea.

Where do cats hide when they are dying?

Typical hiding places in the home include the cellar, under beds or in rooms used for storage. A dying cat may not even come out when it is time for meals, to drink water or use the litter box.

Where do cats hide when they are sick?

A classic sign of illness is hiding: kitty feels bad, tries to hide from “predators” and hides in a closet or under a bed. Lack of grooming can cause a dull or greasy hair coat, which can indicate skin disease or other problems. Some cats over-groom and end up with bald patches.

Why is my cat hiding under blankets?

Some cats seek out the reassuring touch of your blankets because it feels safe. Your kitty can create his own little tent, and this enclosed space may feel like protection from threats. He may feel more relaxed when he’s in his cat cave and may be reducing his stress by climbing under the covers.

Why is my cat so sleepy all of a sudden?

Lethargy can be caused by many different conditions ranging from a simple cat bite abscess to more serious problems such as kidney disease, diabetes or poisoning. There are so many different causes of lethargy in cats that it would be difficult to list them all here.

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