What are the applications of e-agriculture?

What are the applications of e-agriculture?

The concept aims to improve communication and learning processes between the actors involved in agriculture. E-agriculture can for example be about delivering agricultural information and knowledge services such as market prices and extension services directly to farmers, via smartphones or other mobile devices.

What is e-agriculture explain benefits of e-agriculture?

Using e-agriculture can lead to greater efficiencies in agricultural extension, disaster risk management and early warning systems, enhanced market access and financial inclusion, as well as capacity development among rural communities, resulting in better market information for producers, lower transaction costs.

What is E technology in agriculture?

E-Agriculture is a new area of knowledge emerging out of convergence of IT and farming techniques. It enhances the agricultural value chain through the application of Internet and related technologies. Basically IT helps farmers to have better access to information which increases the productivity.

How is ICT used in agriculture?

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) supports farmers by facilitating access to markets through real-time data on market prices, weather forecasts, information on pests, seed varieties and planting techniques.

What is e-agriculture PDF?

A field of activity related to the use of modern information and communication tools and technologies that increase agricultural productivity and make available information that is relevant to agricultural research, planning, extension, production, monitoring, marketing and trade is referred to as e-agriculture.

What are the useful resources for learning e-agriculture?

Some useful resources for learning about e-agriculture in practice are the World Bank’s e-sourcebook ICT in agriculture – connecting smallholder farmers to knowledge, networks and institutions (2011), ICT uses for inclusive value chains (2013), ICT uses for inclusive value chains (2013) and Success stories on …

What are the advantages of ICT in agriculture?

Advantages of ICT in E-agriculture are following. 1) Improved productivity and profitability of farmers through ICT and E-Agricultural facility. 2) Efficient utilization and management of resources 3) Rain and other important information timely available in to the farmer.

How can e technology help farmers?

It improves the agricultural value chain through the application of the Internet and similar technologies. Information technology enables farmers to have better access to information which boosts productivity. It also facilitates him to get better rates through the information of change in price in various markets.

What is the e technology?

E-technology is broadly understood to include the Internet and related information technologies, and in recent years, its use has grown rapidly. The Internet is a major source of health information, and there is potential to deliver enhanced services through this medium.

How ICT is useful in smart agriculture?

ICT has a great role as decision support system to the farmers. Through ICT, farmers can be updated with the recent information about agriculture, weather, new varieties of crops and new ways to increase production and quality control.

How does e technology help farmers?

What is e agriculture Upsc?

About: Digital Agriculture is “ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) and data ecosystems to support the development and delivery of timely, targeted information and services to make farming profitable and sustainable while delivering safe nutritious and affordable food for all.”

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