Can we use distinct with ORDER BY in SQL?

Can we use distinct with ORDER BY in SQL?

The columns used in the ORDER BY aren’t specified in the DISTINCT. An aggregate function must be used to sort on, and use the GROUP BY to make the DISTINCT work.

Can we use distinct in ORDER BY?

Well, the answer is pretty simple. When you use DISTINCT for any query, the result is always ordered by the columns which you have used in the DISTINCT column. Well, that’s it. That is the answer.

How do I get unique values of a column in SQL?

SQL to find the number of distinct values in a column

  1. SELECT DISTINCT column_name FROM table_name;
  2. SELECT column_name FROM table_name GROUP BY column_name;

Does order by remove duplicates?

Notice in both cases that duplicates are removed even if the rows they come from didn’t appear to be adjacent in the database table. By default, when we use ORDER BY , results are sorted in ascending order of the column we specify (i.e., from least to greatest).

Does ORDER BY remove duplicates?

How do I use distinct in one column in SQL?

Adding the DISTINCT keyword to a SELECT query causes it to return only unique values for the specified column list so that duplicate rows are removed from the result set. Since DISTINCT operates on all of the fields in SELECT’s column list, it can’t be applied to an individual field that are part of a larger group.

How do I select the first 3 characters in SQL?

SELECT LEN(column_name) FROM table_name; And you can use SUBSTRING or SUBSTR() function go get first three characters of a column.

How do I find unique columns in a table?

DECLARE @table varchar(100), @sql varchar(max); SET @table = ‘some table name’; SELECT @sql = COALESCE(@sql + ‘, ‘, ”) + ColumnExpression FROM ( SELECT ColumnExpression = ‘CASE COUNT(DISTINCT ‘ + COLUMN_NAME + ‘) ‘ + ‘WHEN COUNT(*) THEN ”UNIQUE” ‘ + ‘WHEN COUNT(*) – 1 THEN ‘ + ‘CASE COUNT(DISTINCT ‘ + COLUMN_NAME + …

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