How do you cut face in Maya?

How do you cut face in Maya?

Cut faces with the Multi-Cut Tool

  1. Select the mesh you want to cut.
  2. Open the Multi-Cut Tool.
  3. (Optional) Turn on object, world, or topological symmetry to make cuts on both sides of your mesh.
  4. (Optional) Set a live surface for the cut edges to adhere to.
  5. Click either an existing edge or vertex to act as a start point.

How do you cut in Maya?

Middle-drag anywhere on your mesh to make a cut….

  1. Select the mesh you want to slice.
  2. Open the Multi-Cut Tool.
  3. (Optional) In the Modeling Toolkit window, select Delete Faces or Extract Faces in the Slice Tool options.
  4. Click one of the Slice Along Plane buttons.
  5. Use the manipulator to adjust the slice.

Where is the multi-cut tool in Maya?

You can access the Multi-Cut Tool via: The Tools section of the Modeling Toolkit window, and clicking . The main menu bar, by selecting Mesh Tools > Multi-Cut. The marking menu, by selecting Multi-Cut Tool (to open the marking menu, Shift + right-click when an object, edge, or face is selected).

How do I get more faces in Maya?

How to Adds Polygon Faces to Maya Object

  1. Using the Polygons menu set choose Mesh > Create Polygon Tool and draw a four sided polygon.
  2. With your object selected, choose Edit Mesh > Append to Polygon Tool and click on the source edge that you will be adding to.

How do you cut edges in Maya?

How do I add a loop cut in Maya?

Insert an edge loop with the Multi-Cut Tool

  1. Ctrl-click to insert an edge loop anywhere on the mesh.
  2. Ctrl + middle-click to insert a centred edge loop.
  3. Ctrl + Shift-click to insert an edge loop that snaps according to the Snap Step % increment, as explained in Multi-Cut Tool Options.

Where is the split polygon tool?

You can split multiple polygon faces on one mesh or across multiple meshes in one operation using the Multi-Cut Tool. Access the Multi-Cut Tool by: The Tools section of the Modeling Toolkit window, and clicking . The main menu bar, by selecting Mesh Tools > Multi-Cut.

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